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POV: Demi

Sam sobered up enough after about thirty minutes and then she 'had to go to the bathroom again' but I didn't let her.

"You need help Sam." I whispered as she laid beside me on the couch. I was sitting on the couch like a normal person, unlike Sam who had one leg over the back of it, one leg laid flat on the couch, her torso half off of the edge of the arm rest, and both arms randomly sprawled across her toned body.

"I know, but I'm not worth it." She whispered nonchalantly in attempt to hide all of the low self esteem signs.

"You are worth it. You are amazing. You are kind. You are beautiful inside and out. You are Sam who is one kickass person." I smiled at her and she only ran her hands through her hair.

"I'm not very kind. I kill people for a living." She sarcastically chuckled.

"You know what I meant." I sighed.

"So what do you want me to do Miss Lovato?" She looked up at me with the most sarcastic expression anyone could ever possess.

"How about we go for a drive. Where is Teagan?" My wheels started to turn.

"She is at her Uncle K's house."

"Great, so we're going to go for a drive." I smiled at her and grabbed her truck keys off the coffee table that was right in front of the couch before going to the front door.

"But I-"

"No, you're getting up and coming with me right now." I snapped and she slowly got up and moped to the front door.

"Where are we going?" Sam whispered.

"You'll see. Where is your mom?" I looked up at her. Damn my height.

"Next door." She pointed to the right and I nodded.

"We're going there first."

"Hey Sam!" Sam's mom greeted her daughter happily and pulled her into a hug, and I could only smile. "Did you kidnap Demi Lovato...?" She whispered as her gaze met me.

"No, we met last night. I'll tell you how later." She mumbled.

"Well come in! My name is Beth." She smiled brightly at the both of us and we walked in.

"I'll be back. I actually have to pee." Sam looked at me with an honest expression and I nodded.

"I don't have much time to ask you this, but can I take her to my rehab center? I know it's a big deal, but I see the old me when I look at her. She needs help, and I have the ability to provide it. What I'm asking is, can you please watch Teagan if she is committed as an inpatient." I asked calmly and her mother started to tear up.

"Please help my baby." She begged me as she began to cry.

"I will. I promise you I will Mrs Beth." I pulled her into a hug as she cried in my shoulder.

I could hear Sam throwing up in the bathroom. She is already having withdrawals.

"When she gets out, I want you to hug her one more really good time, because the first week or so there are no visitations allowed." I gave her a saddened expression and she nodded. "Then send her to her truck and I will be in it. She is still pretty drowsy from the high, so it should be easy. Teagan is at her Uncle K's house by the way." I smiled and she hugged me one more time.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime," I smiled at her before walking out the front door.

Sam got in the truck on the passenger side.

"You ready to go for a ride?" I smiled at her as she buckled up with weak hands.

"Yeah," she smiled back and put her hand on the console.

I shifted gears and when I did our hands grazed each other and my breathing hitched. That is not supposed to happen.

"Where are we going?" Sam whispered as she looked at me.

"You know where." I whispered back and I could see her slightly nod out of the corner of my eye.

"How long till I can see my Teag again?" She whispered. I know that is what has been holding her back from going. She hates being away from Teagan more than she has to be with being in the Navy.

"After the first week is when visitations are allowed, but I can be there everyday since I am the co-owner."

"So I have to wait a week till I can see her?" Her voice cracked a little.

I nodded hesitantly. "You can call her everyday though. I will make sure that is allowed to happen."

I could see her smile a little. "Thank you, for all of this. I owe you."

"No you don't. You saved my life and your crazy ass is growing on me." I smiled over at her a little to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, but you saved my life multiple times with your music." Sam whispered before looking out the window.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back.

"I can't go into detail. Not yet. I'm not stable enough for that yet, but what I can tell you is my brother and father were murdered when I was 15 and conceiving Teagan was not willing, but my mother always raised me to find the good in every situation, so Teagan was the good. I didn't do any drugs until after I had her, but I cut and your music stopped me from going too deep, but once I had Teagan your music stopped me from killing myself entirely. Life isn't fun." She chuckled at the end as she tried to keep her tears in.

"I'm sorry, but once life hits rock bottom it can only go up Sam." I smiled at her and took her hand in mind in attempt to soothe her, but I was not expecting to get chills just from holding her damn hand. I'm on a mission. Focus.

"How long does it take?" Sam whispered and it snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Around two months. That is the average for the inpatient. The out patient can last around four to six months. It was nine months total for me." I started to rub little circles across her knuckles as she took a deep breath.

"About as long as a tour. Nice." She responded sarcastically and I couldn't hold the giggle in. She looked over as a small smile tugged on her lips.

This is the real Sam, and I'll be damned if this is the last time I see her.

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