The Whole Truth

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POV: Demi

"Demi, since you have your last performance for your tour coming up, will you have a special guest? Will the girl who saved you come? The one who you are now dating?" Someone from the crowd asked with a recorder in hand.

One last obnoxious interview before the show. Last one. "I might have a special guest, and if I do it will be a surprise." I shrugged with a smile. I know it kills my fans when I make them wonder what secret I am keeping.

"Are you two dating?" Another person asked.

I ignored it and answered a few more questions before saying I had to go, which was a complete and total lie. I don't have to be anywhere, but I don't want to be here any longer than I have to.


POV: Sam

"Sam, you already sighed the contract. They are starting it back up again. They just did it later than you thought. Apparently they didn't cancel the show, only put it on a really long hold." My mom sighed as we sat on the couch.

"I can't go back to that mom. It reminds me too much of the past." I ran my hands through my hair.

"You are so much stronger than you were before Samantha. I'm not saying I want you to start up again, but you have to since you had me sign the consent contract to have you sign for the next season." My mom took another sip of her tea.

I watched Teagan play with Baymax on the floor.

"I know you're worried about her, but I will take care of her like I do when you go overseas."

"What if I get called to go back over? I'm not going to let my guys go without me, and I can guarantee you that they won't go without me leading them. They'll have to be dragged onto the plane before they leave without me." I put my face in my hands knowing how hard it would be to get my brothers to leave without me.

"You and I both know that if you needed to push a call back you could since you've already done so many tours." My mom wrapped her fingers around her mug of hot tea.

"Yes, but I would rather do another tour than shoot a stupid tv show about werewolves." I stated with honesty.

"You don't have to sign for another season after this one. You can just piss off all of the fans by having them kill you off or having them make it so your character runs away."

"The Alpha wolf can't just run away." I chuckled at my mother's suggestion.

"Just a suggestion." My mom put her hands up in a surrender sort of manner while lightly laughing.

"I don't know how Demi doesn't recognize me." I chuckled as I took a sip of my, now cold, coffee.

"Probably because you've matured so much and you've put on at least forty pounds of muscle on."

I shrugged. "What if they start asking the questions about the drugs and alcohol again?" My voice got softer.

"Then be honest and say that you got the much needed help." My mom shrugged.

"What if they ask what I've done the past five years?" I asked with raised eyebrows. They always say mother knows best and so far in life the statement has been true, but this is a test for both of us.

"Then tell them you've just laid low for Teagan." She shrugged and I smiled at her perfect lie, because it honestly wasn't a full lie. My mom and I moved from the east coast to get away from the memories, and moved to LA so I wouldn't have to make the constant plane trips to film for the show. So it basically killed two birds with one stone in a way. My mom still worked a little bit here and there, but I paid most of the bills with either making mashups or acting.

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