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POV: Demi

"Aren't you afraid of what everyone will think? That the Demi Lovato is dating some random girl that no one knows." Sam asked me for the fifth time as we drove to the nearby diner. I want her to meet Kelsey. Kelsey has been there for me when I wasn't there for myself, and she helped me when Sam was in rehab because I was an emotional mess since I couldn't help Sam in any way, shape, or form. So it's only right that Kelsey gets to have an opinion on Sam.

"Not even a little." I smiled at her, but she still had a worried expression on her face. "Babe, my fans know I don't care if someone is a guy or a girl, so this honestly shouldn't be a shock." I slightly chuckled.

Sam nervously nodded. "I just don't want anyone to talk shit about you or to you, because I won't be able to restrain myself from kicking their asses." She growled slightly as she turned into the parking lot.

"That's how they get expressions out of you and get new things to lie about. Don't buy into it." I warned her and she took a deep breath.

She quickly put the car in park, unbuckled her seatbelt, and ran over to my door so she could open it for me. I didn't even have my seatbelt completely off yet.

"Thank you," I smiled at her and kissed her jawline as I got out of the truck. I'm still pissy about her height. She is a damn giant compared to me.

POV: Sam

"So this is the infamous Sam." A blonde headed girl greeted Demi with a hug as she looked at me as if she was sizing me up.

"This is Sam." Demi smiled brightly at Kelsey as she took my hand in hers.

"Hi, I'm Sam." I sarcastically added.

"If you ever hurt her, I will kick your ass." Kelsey warned me and I accidentally let an egotistical smirk spread across my lips.

"Demi did tell you who I am and what I do for a living, correct?" I asked her as I looked down at Kelsey to intimidate her.

"Yeah, but if you hurt her I will kick your ass no matter who you are." Kelsey scoffed.

"Oh please, you were terrified when I told you what she does." Demi rolled her eyes.

"I would let you kick my ass honestly." I chuckled.

"See! I told you!" Demi slapped Kelsey's arm and I looked at the two of them with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah yeah yeah," Kelsey mumbled before turning around and walking to up to the hostess to get us a table.

"Told her what?" I whispered to Demi.

"That you would let her kick your ass if you hurt me in any way, shape, or form." Demi shrugged and I nodded.

I would honestly let her kick my ass, even though I would beat myself up more than anyone else ever could.

We caught up to Kelsey and the table lady who stopped in her tracks to turn to face us.

"Would you like to sit somewhere away from everyone else so you're safe or is anywhere fine?" She smiled brightly at Demi.

"I think I have plenty of protection, but thank you for the option." Demi lightly laughed.

I smirked down at her.

"Who said the protection was coming from you Miss Egotistical?" Demi teased.

"Yeah, what if she was talking about me?" Kelsey chipped in as we sat down at a booth.

I raised my eyebrows at Kelsey.

"I can so take you." Kelsey said a little too confidently.

I sucked my lips in, raised my eyebrows, and gave her a sarcastic nod.

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