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POV: Demi

My eyes slowly opened and I looked to my side to see and feel a cold and empty spot on the bed. The spot Sam promised that she would be in when I woke up.

I angrily sighed before throwing the blankets off of me and getting up out of bed before slipping on some loose pants and a loose shirt on that showed the sides of my bra. My feet stomped through the hotel suite to the kitchen. I can't believe she fucking left me. She's just like Wilmer.

The smell of bacon and eggs got stronger as I got closer to the kitchen. Kelsey probably got hungry again and didn't want to go out to buy food.

A bright smile spread across my lips as I saw Sam, who was still shirtless mind you, making breakfast. Nope, not like Wilmer.

My footsteps were quiet when I walked into the kitchen, but she has the damn Navy SEAL senses.

"Good morning," Sam greeted me without turning around.

"Good morning," I chirped.

"Give me two seconds and it'll be cooked. I have to leave in thirty minutes to go pick up Teagan though. My mom is going to hang out with all of my brothers's moms." Sam said without turning around.

I internally frowned since she was leaving soon, but she has responsibilities; one being her five year old daughter.

She handed me a plate with eggs, bacon, french toast, and hash browns.

"Holy shit babe, did you make all of this from scratch? I didn't have any frozen food in the fridge did I?" I asked in a shocked tone and she chuckled in response.

"Yeah, I learned how to cook for Teagan, so she can have healthy meals like I do, but we still go to fast food restaurants and splurge. I am in no way like a stay at home mom." Sam chuckled. "I found some stray ingredients like potatoes and what not, so boom. Food."

"Thank you for making me breakfast." I smiled brightly at her and she returned my thanks with a smile and a nod.

"I have to go now." Sam whispered as she held me in her arms on the couch.

I let out a sad sigh before getting up since I was partially on her lap.

"I'll see you later though." She gave me a small smile before I turned to walk her to the front door.

She caught my wrist as it reached for the door handle.

"I'm sorry I have to leave, but I'll see you soon. I have to get Teag." She smiled down at me and I nodded.

"I don't like being away from you." I mumbled and tried to reach for the handle again.

"I don't either, but it won't be long till I see you again." She smiled down at me before pulling me to her by my pant pockets.

"You're going to be late." I smiled up at her.

"I have a few seconds. Plus, I think my mom will understand that I had to take a few seconds to kiss a drop dead gorgeous girl that I can call my girlfriend." She gave me a smile with a hint of a smirk.

Heat rushed to my cheeks, but I quickly kissed her so she wouldn't see it.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around her waist so I don't strain my neck... and so she has to stay just a little bit longer, but I won't tell her that.


POV: Sam

I haven't stopped thinking about Demi since I left her. The fact that she literally jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist so I would stay a little longer makes me smile.

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