Dead Serious

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POV: Demi

Watching Sam play the guitar and sing to Teagan has got to be the purest act of love between mother and daughter I have ever seen in my life. Sam says she's not a good mother, but then she goes and sings her daughter to sleep while playing the guitar after wiping her tears away.

"What's got your beehive buzzin'?" Sam snapped me out of my thoughts when she walked out of the bedroom. I've been up for a hour or so.

"My what?" I giggled.

"Sorry, southern slag kicked in for some reason." Sam shook her head quickly as if there were a bug in her face. "What are you thinking about is what I mean."

"Nothing," I shrugged with a smile.

Sam gave me the 'bullshit' look, but didn't press the matter anymore.

"We need to leave sometime around eleven." I spoke just loud enough for her to hear me in the kitchen, but not loud enough to wake Teagan.

"What time is it now?" Sam yelled to me.

"Nine, I still have pants here and I'll just steal whatever shirt I want from you." I shrugged with a smile.

"Oh really?" Sam chuckled as she walked behind the couch before vaulting over it and sitting down.

"You know you can walk around, right?" I raised a brow.

"Yeah, but where is the fun in that?" Sam laughed at my annoyed expression.

"I swear you are suck a child at times." I groaned.

"I am a Navy SEAL, a machine of death and destruction, and-" my facial expression made her stop. "Yeah, I'm a kid at heart." She mumbled.

"And you love to cuddle." I smirked. She hates it when I state things that prove she has a soft side.

"Only with you." Sam whined. "Teag doesn't count. That's my daughter." She huffed.

"Do you want to cuddle now?" I raised a brow with the smirk still on my face.

"No." She crossed her arms over her chest after turning the news on.

"Are you sure?" I smiled at her. I swear she's a five year old at heart. She isn't even looking at me.

"Two hours ago North Korea shot a nuclear missile at the United States. Before it entered back into the atmosphere, the United States Space Force shot the missile. North Korea claims that it was not them. The action is currently under investigation by NATO. That is all we have on the subject for now." The news anchor spoke as if it wasn't a big deal.

Sam stood up and ran her fingers through her long blonde hair.

"The war is going to go from cold to hot here soon." Sam whispered and began to start pacing around the house.

"Maybe it wasn't them?" I replied with more of a question than a suggestion.

"There is a very slim chance that it wasn't North Korea. The county that is known for fucking with nuclear and hydrogen bombs for the hell of it and to threaten us, the United States." Sam's phone started to go off. "Can you please see who it is?" Sam asked me from the kitchen.

"Yeah," I picked up her phone and saw Yale's name pop up as the caller ID. "It's Yale." I yelled to her.

"He's probably on his way over here anyways." Sam walked over to the door and opened it. All of her brothers came into view and they all jogged to her door when they saw that it was open.

Yale was the first one in, and then the others filed in behind him.

"There goes retiring after this next tour." She sarcastically chuckled.

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