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POV: Yale

"Yes, I'm sure it's this house." I snapped at the police officer who met my brothers and I outside of the house we pinned Sam's location to.

"Okay, okay. We'll surround the house like you said to make sure no one gets out, which is illegal to let someone else lead us, but since y'all are Navy SEALs boss gave y'all the power." The southern cop sighed before leading his men around the house before I led my brothers into the house.

"Rick, take it down." I ordered Rick and watched as he stood in front of the door while my brothers and I stacked up on the sides.

Rick took a step back before getting a good amount of momentum for him to kick the door in. He has done this numerous times since he has the strongest legs out of all of us, so it wasn't a shock when the door fell in flawlessly.

As soon as the door hit the floor I filed in and panned the room as my brothers filed in behind me.

"Stay in groups of two. Rick, on me." I started to go down the hallway, but all of us stopped when we heard a pained yell.

"Sam." Kirt spoke from behind us and Kida, our K9, tried to run out of his grasp.

"Let's move." I took a deep breath before continuing to walk towards Sam's screaming. It wasn't a high pitch scream; it was a low, weak, tired, and helpless yell.

"Forget what I said. Push towards Sam, but clear any room we pass by." I changed my orders. I've got a lot to learn from Sam. She somehow knows what the enemy is going to do before they know.

The yells got more repetitive as we got closer. I made sure to look everywhere for motion detectors, trip wires, and things like that, but all I've seen so far are bottles of beer and empty rooms.

"How do they know you're here?" A male yelled from the last door we haven't opened.

Nothing else was said, but another crack followed by another pained yell from Sam followed his question.

"Rick, kick it down." I whispered to him.

He nodded as my brothers and I stacked the sides of the doorframe.

I gave him a nod for a go ahead, and without hesitation he kicked the door in and let me file in first.

The sight I took in made me want to throw up and breakdown. If it were someone I didn't know I wouldn't be like this. But when you see your sister hanging fron the ceiling by her wrists with cuts covering her body and the life being drained out of her... your heart is done for. I had to keep focus and show no weakness though, so had my gun aimed at his head as my brothers created a semi circle around him and pressured him to the wall.

"YOU HURT OUR SISTER!" Without warning Erik, the most mellow guy out of all of us, shot and killed Wilmer without hesitation.

I was still frozen in shock from the whole situation. You go through so much training, but there are certain things you can't prepare yourself for.

Rick pulled the chains from the ceiling somehow and caught Sam as she fell. All that she had on was a sports bra and the shorts she had on two nights ago, so the cuts were very visible and very open. We thought she just ghosted us like she does at times, but when her mother didn't know where she went we knew something was wrong. She called for us a hour ago, and we we were too slow to stop the hits. We could only drive so fast from two hours away.

My legs gave out and I fell to me knees. It's been years since I've cried for something other than happiness, like when your kid is born and you get happy tears, but this time I was bawling my eyes out in pain from the state Sam is in. I wish I could've taken her place. I'm her older brother.

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