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*first day of filming*

POV: Sam

"Holy shit Ranklen. The fans will go crazy just over the sight of you." The familiar producer took in my appearance and I chuckled.

"What's up Ramos?" I asked him as he pulled me into the hug that guys do. The handshake slash hug slash pat on the back shit. I've never understood that bullshit. Hug them or shake their hand. Make up your mind. It's not gay to hug someone of the same sex.

"Nothing much. How is Teagan?" Ramos asked as he put his hair in his signature man-bun.

"She's great." I smiled.

"How are you?" He gave me a knowing glare, and I nodded my head so he knew I understood what he was really asking.

"I went to rehab and now I'm stronger than ever if I'm being honest." I shrugged.

"How is the Navy treating you?" He smirked as he tossed me my personal script with the descriptions of the scenes and everything of the sorts.

"Can't complain." I replied mindlessly as I began to flip through some of the pages.

"Can you still memorize the scenes within five minutes?" Ramos tested, and I scoffed with an eye roll.

"Of course I can. You act like I get rusty." I rolled my eyes again before walking to the changing rooms where I will be dressed into whatever outfit they decide to clothe me in today, and then they will do my makeup which will either be fake dirt marks or a natural makeup look. I hate makeup, but it's only a small portion of filming preparation.

"Action!" Ramos yelled and the familiar click followed suit.

"I'm sorry Alpha." One of the actresses who plays my second in command started the scene off.

"Sorry?" I let out a sarcastic laugh. "You had sex with the Alpha of our rival pack! I bet you were real sorry then." I continued my sarcastic rant before turning my face back into a glare.

"Alpha, I didn't mean for it to happen like that. I was there to get information and I went too far." She whimpered and I scoffed. It's best to get into the character and put yourself in their shoes.

"You were supposed to go recon for a few years and then come back when you felt like they were catching on. I don't believe I told you to have sex with the Alpha and get pregnant with his child." I growled lowly as I slammed the files in my hand on my desk.

"With all do respect Alpha you only sat around and killed people for the past couple of years." She said hesitantly and she knew she messed up when she saw my facial expression. They have told me that I actually scare them at times when I give them my signature glare.

"I suggest you leave before you become one of the people I kill. You can forget about your rank Mutt, because you are now lower than the servants." I walked up to her face and I could see the genuine fear in her eyes. The sound of a camera moving above us filled my ears before her words did.

"Yes Alpha." She mumbled before quickly leaving the scene through the door.

"And cut!" Ramos yelled and I let put the breath I was keeping in. In order for me to keep the intimidating persona I have to make sure my breaths are nearly invisible. "Next scene in ten seconds!"

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