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POV: Sam

"Mommy!" Teagan squealed as she ran to me as soon as I walked out of the center.

"Teag!" I said in just as much excitement as I picked her up and spun her around one time.

"Are you coming home now?" Teag asked excitedly.

"Yeah Teag, back to me making you breakfast in the morning as we watch Spongebob." I smiled at her and she cheered a little.

"Hey Sammie." My mom smiled at me as she pulled me into a hug.

"Hey mom." I smiled into the hug as I took a deep breath.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispered so Teagan didn't hear.

"Thank you," I pulled away from the hug and put Teag down on her feet. "Time for me to sleep in my own bed!" I said in a overly excited tone that made Teagan giggle.

I texted Demi a few minutes ago that I got discharged, but she is performing right now, so she will respond when she can.

"How are you feeling?" My mom asked me as we walked to the parking lot before handing me my truck keys. Demi left my truck here when she brought me in.

"Refreshed and actually living. Like, you know the feeling you get when you take a shower after working really hard all day and you've been in pain?" I looked at my mom.

"Yeah, I was a nurse." My mom chuckled.

"Well, that's what it feels like, but I've been in pain for years and this was a really long shower that hurt a lot in the beginning." I gave my mom a small, but genuine, smile.

"So you feel better now?" Teag looked up at me as she clutched onto my hand for dear life.

"Much better, all because you let me borrow your teddy bear, Danny." I smiled down at her as I gave her her teddy bear back that I had in my book bag that they gave me so I could carry my stuff out.

She innocently squealed and held her teddy bear, completely forgetting about holding my hand.

"Let's go get ice cream before I go home and sleep." I smiled down at her and she jumped up and down. "You can come too mom if you want." I offered.

"I would, but I can't." She gave me a sad smile.

"Mom, don't feel bad. I'm gonna be here." I laughed a little before unlocking my truck and picking Teag up so I can buckle her into her carseat.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." My mom smiled and hugged me before going to her car.


A loud and aggressive knock on my front door made me shoot out of bed.

I glanced at the clock to see that it's three in the morning, so I grabbed my pistol that was inside my nightstand and walked to Teagan's room, locked the door, and closed it before going to the front door.

The aggressive knock happened again and I heard a few hushed voices outside.

I took my phone out of my pocket to look and see who was at my doorstep since I have an app on my phone that lets me see the camera footage outside of my house.

I saw three men wearing all black and had masks on.

They banged on the door again, so I unlocked and swung it open as I held them at gun point.

"Get on the ground!" I yelled and the all backed up before slowly going to their knees. "Hurry up and keep your hands where I can see them!" I ordered as I turned the porch light on. "Slowly take off your masks, and if you don't I can, and will, shoot you."

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