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POV: Sam

"Alright, spill." Demi put her feet up on the couch, so she was facing me.

"His brother was the one who raped me, killed my father, and killed my brother. He was my brother's friend, but he had a thing for me and it drove him insane that he couldn't pursue his feelings, because one I was a minor, and two my brother wouldn't even think about allowing that to happen. If someone ever liked me, they had to face my brother, even if it was a girl. I'm full on gay though, like, not bi in any way, shape, or form." Demi giggled at that part. "But the guys didn't know that, and if they did they were convinced that they could make me straight." I rolled my eyes at some of the memories that popped up.

"If I was a guy I would try too." Demi shot me a wink and I chuckled.

"Well, anyways, I don't even know why my brother was friends with him other than the fact that that they were on the same college baseball team, but either way they grew close. I'm nearly positive that he befriended my brother so he would have the chance to get close to me. My brother had gotten into several fist fights with him because of his pursuits towards me, but they ended up brushing it off and acting like it never happened no matter what or how many times they fought." I took a sip of my water before continuing. "That night it must've just been too easy for him I guess. I was weak, short, and anything but intimidating. Part of the reason why I joined the Navy is because I wanted to have the ability to prove myself and others. Well, my skills grew like a weed and I was repeatedly the highest in my class till they threw me to the SEAL teams. They all fought for me except a few since they were a tight knit family. If someone were to try to join my team we would more than likely turn them down. Is it hard to leave my mom and Teagan every single time I go overseas? Yes, it gets harder and harder every time, because it's like I'm testing my chances too many times. You can keep jumping through the fire, but sooner or later you will get burned."

Demi just sat and watched my every move as she soaked all of it in like a sponge.

"It's going to be even harder this time." I whispered more so to myself than her and hoped that she didn't hear it.

"Why?" Demi questioned and it pulled my gaze to hers.

"Because now I have you." I answered just above a whisper.

She broke eye contact with me and looked at the cushions of the couch.

"I've got to go to the bathroom." I whispered before standing up and walking down the hallway.

The pressure in my back pocket was prominent as if it was tempting me to take the contents from it.

"No more of this. I can't do it again. I'm clean." I whispered to myself as I clenched onto the bathroom counter for dear life.

I took a deep breath before sliding my fingers into my back pocket to pull out the pocket knife that was sheathed with a black handle.

"I can't. I am clean. I am strong." A tear fell down my right cheek as I looked at my scar painted wrists.

My thumb flipped the knife out of the handle sheathe before running my index finger along the dull side of the steel blade.

"Not again. Stay in control." Another tear escaped my eyes as I pressed the blade to my wrist.

"Sam Rank, if you don't open this door right now I will kick it down." Demi growled from the other side of the door.

I quickly flipped the knife back into the handle sheathe, tossed it in the bathroom counter drawer before slamming it shut and opening the bathroom door. "Do you need something out of the bathroom?" I gave her a convincing smile.

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