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POV: Sam

Demi came over for lunch with Teagan and I before she went to my mom's house for the weekend. My mom is buying her a puppy. She's taking her to the shelter just outside of the base since they just got a bunch of new puppies in.

"Alright Teag, I packed your bag and yes, Danny is in there. Front pocket. Behave and don't be too much like mommy till you come back. Got it?" I asked her with my hands on my hips, but a small smirk tugged on my lips.

"Got it!" Teagan jumped up and down since my mom told her that a surprise was in store for her.

"Alright Teag, love you." I hugged and kissed her forehead before knocking on the front door of my mom's house.

"Love you too mommy!" Teagan smiled brightly up at me and I ruffled her hair a little.

My mom opened the door and ushered her in before winking at me in a hinting matter. Teag is going to flip shit.

"Oh boy," I sighed.

I turned around to see Demi with a smile on her face.

"What?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Your love for your daughter is incredible." Demi answered honestly with the smile still on her lips.

"We'll, she may be five, but she's what keeps me grounded. One of the biggest parts of being a good parent is setting a good role model, and that is what pushes me everyday to keep getting stronger for the ones I love." I added onto her response.

"What do you want to do now?" Demi asked me as she laced our hands together and started to walk back to my house which was next to my mom's. Our front doors are literally fifty feet away.

"Well, that depends on what you want to do." I smiled down at her and a small blush crept on her cheeks.

"I would say I want to do whatever you want to do, but I know that that won't get us anywhere." She smiled and looked at the grass.

I laughed softly.

"Does putt putt sound good? Then maybe go back to your place to watch some movies since your tv is ten times better than the one in the hotel room, and you have sound bars." Hope was laced in her words.

"Sounds great." I smiled down at her.


POV: Demi

"I am never letting you keep score again, because I know I beat you." Sam gave me a playful glare as she slid out of her seat to run and open my door for me.

I know now to just sit and wait for her to open the door for me, because she will get pissy and beat herself up if she doesn't open the door for me. "Eh, I could've won. I might've won." I teased when she opened the door and helped me out.

"You know you didn't win." Sam chuckled as she led me to her front door after locking her truck.

"I plea the fifth."

She shook her head as a smile spread proudly across her face. The door clicked when she put the key in. "That isn't normal." Sam said just above a whisper, and mainly to herself.

I stayed quiet, due to the fact that Sam wouldn't respond anyways until she had a for sure answer for me.

As soon as we stepped inside, Sam took in a whiff of the air that held a strong scent of cologne.

Sam quietly opened the drawer beside the door and a safe was inside the drawer. She quickly typed the code in before wrapping her hand around the pistol that came into view.

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