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POV: Sam

It's been three weeks, four days, six hours, seven minutes, and forty two seconds and counting since I walked into this room. She still isn't very aware, nor can she open her eyes yet.

The doctors keep on opening her eyelids and checking her eyes. They even had an neuro-ophthalmologist come in and check her eyes to make sure they were correct.

The connective nerve has been damaged due to the elevation pressure, so now it's likely for her to have greyed vision when sitting up and standing up, color loss in general, blurred vision, or total blindness. What is odd about her is that one eye is worse off than the other, so that's why they are constantly checking to make sure that one doesn't go downhill like the other.

They told me something about a shunt, but with it being only a 50% chance of it working in children we agreed to hold it off till she is twenty-five if she'll want it then. It gets infected easily and if there is a pressure build up again Teag can go completely blind, so we don't want to take that risk. Plus with her being a wildcard there is no way I could keep her away from infections. Her eyes are different than the doctors have ever seen according to them. Something about her eyes being multiple colors. They won't let me see them for some reason, but as long as she is okay I really don't care.

"Mommy?" A soft weak voice spoke beside me as I sat in a chair right beside Teagan's bed. "Mommy?"

This is a sick joke brain.

"Mommy." Teagan's hand squeezed mine slightly and my gaze shot straight up to meet her eyes.

Every color in the world is in her eyes. I couldn't even focus on either of them.

"What's wrong?" Teagan's voice was so weak.

"Nothing baby. I was just looking at your pretty eyes since I haven't seen them in awhile." I gave her a smile and kissed the back of her hand. I have to keep the happy tears in so I don't scare her.

"I want to go home." I watched a single tear roll down her cheek.

"I know baby. I want you home. Remember the house we looked at with Demi?" I smiled at her.

"Yeah." She smiled back at me.

"That's what you're coming back to, and Uncle Mike promised to blow up the meanie." I couldn't stop smiling. She was awake. She was talking. She was okay.

Now I see what the weird thing about her eyes that the doctors were talking about though, but I think it makes them even prettier than before. I might want to go ahead and get another gun to keep the boys away from her. She isn't allowed to grow up.


POV: Demi

It's been a month and a half since Teagan went into surgery, and she is just now ready to come home. I'm waiting in the parking lot of the hospital with Sam's mom to pick the duo up. It's been a week since I've seen Sam, and I hate staying in that big ass house on my own.

"There they are." Sam's mom snapped me out of my train of thought and pointed over to the front entrance to see Teagan in athletic shorts and a t-shirt, and Sam in athletic shorts, that had 'Navy' on the right leg, and a muscle tee. She knows those are my weakness on her. She lifts it up sometimes and will tuck it into her sports bra if 'she gets hot' just to tease me and it's not okay.

Sam's mom pulled up to the entrance to pick the two up so the two of them didn't have to walk a half of a mile since it was literally the only parking space available.

When her mom put the van in park I ran out and hugged Sam once quickly before hugging Teagan.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered in her shoulder as I held her tightly, but not to the point where I was hurting her.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Sam teased when she saw me paying more attention to Teagan than her.

"What are you? Five?" I shot back as I stood up.

"Yes actually." Sam chuckled.

Sam's mom held Teagan, so I took this as my chance to hug Sam and ask her about Teag. "How are her eyes?"

"I'll let you see them for yourself, but her left eye is incredibly blurry for her to the point where she only sees random blurs of color, but her right eye is fine." Sam took a deep breath in my shoulder. She has to bend her neck down so much just to be able to do that.

"I missed you." I whispered in her chest.

"I missed you too." Sam picked her head up and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"Alright love birds, get in the car." Sam's mom yelled over to us.

Sam chuckled before taking my hand in hers and walking us over to the van where she opened the passenger side door for me before sliding into the back with Teagan.

"Alright, look at how cool her eyes are now." I heard Sam get my attention from behind me.

I turned around to see Teagan looking right back at me with the two most gorgeous and unique eyes I've ever seen. "Woah," I whispered. 

"Teagan thinks they're weird and that she's weird now, but if anything I think she is even more pretty than before and I didn't think it was possible." Sam threw her hands up.

"Teagan, coming from someone who is famous." I winked at Sam. "I can tell you that you are gorgeous."

Teagan's face lit up.

"Can we go to our new house now Mommy?" Teagan smiled over at Sam who can't say no to Teagan even if she wanted to right now.

"Oh yeah, and we're going to do whatever you want for then next week." Sam spoke dramatically and used her hands as she spoke.

Teagan giggled at her mom who really and truly is a child. "Movies?" Teagan asked while still giggling.

"Sounds fantastic!" Sam threw her hands up to the top of the car, but when they hit the top she made it look like she hurt her hands to make Teagan laugh even more. I love how children laugh at others pain. "What do you want to watch first?"

Teagan looked down at her hands, I've noticed that she does this when she is thinking, before lifting her head up with a smile, "Mulan!"

"Heck yeah!" Sam dramatically cheered and gave Teagan a high five while she continued to laugh.

"Can you sing?" Teagan asked Sam with a cheesy smile after she calmed down.

"As long as Demi sings with me." Sam smirked over at me.

"Personal concert? Yay!" Sam's mom gave Sam a sarcastic smile before laughing.

"What do want us to sing first?" I raised a brow as I continued to look back at the two children.

"Stone Cold." Teagan smiled at me.

"That's a big song. Think you can handle it hot shot?" I teased Sam even though we've already sang it together before.

"I don't know... that might be pushing it Teag." Sam went along with it.

"You gotta sing it!" Teagan whined.

"Okay... okay." Sam sighed before winking at me.

"You take first verse, I'll take second, and then we close it together." I went ahead and told her what to do so she wouldn't look like a lost puppy waiting for her cue to sing.

"It's been awhile since I've heard you sing Sam. It's been a few months I believe." Sam's mom spoke as she turned into our private gated neighborhood.

Sam ignored it and just started to sing.

I could only watch in awe. She hits the notes with ease as if she's gone to voice coaches and everything, even though I know she hasn't.

But right now, I am just excited for the Disney movie marathon that is about to start in a few minutes.

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