I Fell for the Navy SEAL

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POV: Sam

"How do you feel?" My mom asked me as she straightened out of muscle tee. If I wore something nicer it would be suspicious.

"The Sam answer or Captain Ranklen's answer?" I raised a brow with a nervous laugh at my mother.

"The Sam answer." Mom glared at me and a stern voice accompanied it.

"Well, I'm more scared than I have ever been in my life." I gave her a knowing look.

"You're that scared?" My mom whispered to me.

"Yeah, that scared." I lifted up my hands to show how much they were shaking.

"Sammie, that girl loves you. It's about time for you to start loving you." My mom pulled me into a hug, but her chin barely reached my shoulder.

"What if she says no?" I mumbled.

"She isn't going to Sam. Everyone here knows that. Hell, her family wouldn't have flown all the way here if they didn't know. Kelsey wouldn't be here if she didn't think she would. She had to fly a long ass way to get here, so you better get down on one knee, tell that girl how much you love her, then pull out the box, and then ask her when she can see the ring." My mom pulled away and flattened out my shirt before plucking a few strands of dog hair off of it.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head once before rechecking my pocket to make sure the slim box was still there.

"To the cliché beach!" My mom shooed me out of the door. "Demi is already on the way there with your future in laws and Teagan is with Kirt and his family, so everyone is waiting on you."

"No pressure." I nervously chuckled.


POV: Demi

"Why are we at the beach?" I asked my mom when my dad put the car in park.

"One of Sam's brothers is doing fireworks and we heard how impressive they are, so here we are. Now lets go." My dad opened his door and then everyone else followed suit.

When we walked down the stairs, we saw the sun setting over the ocean line. What shocked me was the fact that there were blankets and lights everywhere as well as a full catering company was here serving the family. There has got to be about fifty of them when everyone is together, and sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it's a water balloon fight come to find out. I guess the SEALs go big or go home, or at least Sam's team.

"Hey Dems." The voice I love waking up to spoke from behind me.

"Hey Love." I turned to her with a smile and saw her mom walking down the steps.

"I was not expecting a firework show to be this well set up. I didn't even make sure the simpletons didn't tear up the beach." Sam chuckled as she pulled me into a hug before kissing my forehead and taking my hand in hers.

"As soon as the sun falls we are blowing shit up! So get ready!" Mike yelled from the shore.

"Language Lanson!" Sam snapped at Mike who obviously forgot that there are children on the beach.

"Sorry Cap!" He yelled back to Sam.

"I swear my team is full of idiots." Sam shook her head with a smile as she walked with me to one of the blankets.

"But you love them." I smiled over at her before we sat down. I waited for her to sit down before I sat down between her legs and against her chest.

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