Such a Dangerous Word

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POV: Demi

I walked a little closer to her, due to her obviously being nervous as hell. I pointed to myself to tell her that I would take the first part.

"I can't sleep tonight
Wide awake and so confused
Everything's in line
But I am bruised
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I kinda need a hero
Is it you?
I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me
Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me
I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale." Sam looked like she was about to shit herself when I nodded to her to tell her it was her part. Her chest rose and fell as she took a quick deep breath before singing.

"Somebody speak to me
'Cause I'm feeling like hell
Need you to answer me
I'm overwhelmed
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I need a star to follow
I don't know
I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me
Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me
I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale." You could hear a pin drop in the back row from how quiet it got when Sam started to sing. Her voice is so crisp, clear, and strong that it's not even fair how she does it with such ease. Sam turned to me with a smirk on her face since her confidence was growing.

"I don't know what I'd do without you
Your words are like a whisper come through
As long as you are with me here tonight
I'm good
Can you be my nightingale?
Still so close
I know you're there
Oh, nightingale
You sing to me
I know you're there
'Cause baby you're my sanity
You bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale." The stadium stayed quiet when the both of us started to sing together, but when Sam and I hit the high notes together seamlessly, the crowd went insane.

I let Sam handle the last few notes on her own and the crowed grew louder and louder the closer Sam got to the end.

When the last note on the piano played, you would've thought the Pope walked on stage.

"Dami! Dami! Dami! Dami!" The crowed chanted some ship name that I haven't heard or seen before (A/N: thanks @demitriashoe, because I suck at ship names).

Sam walked over to me to the point where I would feel her breaths hit my face.

"I love you." Sam smiled down at me, and my mic somehow picked it up and that just made the crowd get even louder.

"I love you too." I ignored the crowed and focused on Sam.

I could tell she was hesitant since we were on stage, so I grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her lips to mine.

Sam grabbed onto my waist and pulled me closer to her as she smiled against my lips.

Before we got too carried away, I pulled away and wrapped my arms around Sam. She instinctively wrapped her arms around me and kissed the top of my head. Even with heels on, she is still taller than me.

"I gotta sing some more before we can go off stage, so scoot." I pulled away from the hug, so she shot me a wink as she stepped back onto the lift and sunk back into the floor. "And that is my girlfriend, Samantha Ranklen." I giggled.

Sam and I just told each other that we love each other... and it feels amazing.


When I sunk back down under the stage, I just went straight to my dressing room to slide on some comfortable clothes. Preferably sweat pants and a shirt.

"Well done Dems. Change of clothes?" Kelsey met me in my dressing room and threw some comfortable clothes at me.

"Thank God." I let out a sigh of relief and just changed right then and there. We've already seen it all and we're pretty much sisters.

"Where is Sam? I thought she'd be following you." Kelsey asked as she tossed something into the trashcan.

"I told her to stand under the stage, so I can guarantee you that's where she is. She's like a dog. If I tell her to stay, she'll stay." I giggled.

After I changed I went ahead and went back to the spot where I told Sam to stay.

"Where is Sam?" I asked my stage manager.

"I saw her go that way." He pointed down the hallway with a dead end.

"That hallway is a dead end and there is only one door that is locked. Where did she go?" I asked him again, this time with a more stern tone since I cannot stand it when people mess with me when it's shit like this.

"No, seriously Demi. Sam went down that hallway with some guy. I think he was the janitor. I couldn't get a good look at him, but with Sam being a badass I figured she'd be okay." He gave me his honest expression.

"Do you have the keys to that door?" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, here." He clicked a key off of his keychain and tossed it to me.

Where in the hell are you Sam?

I heard muffled sounds on the other side of the door, so I quickly put the key in the lock. What in the hell is she doing in there?

It took me a minute to rattle to door open, but I wish I didn't open it.

My eyes locked onto Wilmer who had Sam on the ground as he was making out with her. His hands were beside her head and he started to kiss down her neck. Sam's eyes were closed. She was enjoying it. She was fucking enjoying him kissing her. The girl who claims she loves me.

"Hello Demetria." Wilmer chuckled against Sam's skin, but didn't even look up at me before he continued to kiss down Sam's neck.

My heart felt like it was being ripped into shreds when Sam tilted her head to the side for Wilmer to have better access to her neck.

I just left the key in the door and ran. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm running. She tells me she loves me one second, and the next she is letting Wilmer make out with her and kiss all down her neck.

"Demi, where are you going?" Max asked me as I bolted passed him. He soon started to run after me since at the end of the day it's his job to keep me safe.

"What's up with the police chase?" Kelsey asked as she stepped out of my dressing room.

"I don't know. Just keep up." Max yelled over his shoulder, but I didn't stop running, and I won't stop running.

I need a drink.


A/N: Who hates me?

A/N pt 2: When I'm a bitch and do something that will piss of y'all, my readers, I make sure I do quick updates so y'all don't have to wait and stop reading, so just bare with me.

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