No Movie Night

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POV: Demi

"Babe," Sam poked my face again. "Babe," and again. "Babe," and again. "I'm going to keep doing this till you pay attention to me." Sam poked my face repeatedly, till I turned and bit her finger. "Ooo, kinky."

I glared at her, but she winked without saying anything else. I was trying to watch a movie, but then Sam came in and crashed my movie night. Am I upset though? No, because she took time out of her day and made sure Teagan was with someone to take care of her while she was gone.

"Baaaaaaaaabe." Sam groaned.

"Whaaaaaaaaat?" I mocked her.

"I want attention." She answered immediately.

I paused the tv, put my popcorn down, and faced her. "You have my full attention Samantha Ranklen. What?" I tried to be mad at her, damn do I want to be mad, but when she does that damn smile it gets me every damn time.

"I love you." Sam continued to smile.

"And you're lucky I love you too, or I'd be kicking your loud ass out." I turned back to the tv, but before I could grab the bowl of popcorn, Sam took it and put it on the side table behind her.

"I want cuddles. I will give you your popcorn back if you cuddle." Sam gave me her damn innocent and cheesy smile again and she knows it works. It's not like I don't want her to hold me, because when she does I feel safer than any other time, but when she is in one of these moods she will purposely try to annoy me and then give me the smile so I can't get mad.

"If I cuddle with you you have to promise that you won't annoy me. If you do I'll get pissy, and you know what I'm like when I'm pissy." I glared at her.

She gave me a serious nod, and then she leaned against the arm of the couch and pulled me down with her before throwing a blanket over us.

"Happy?" I asked in a playful annoyed tone as I laid my head over her heart.

"Very," Sam kissed my forehead and handed me my bowl of popcorn back.

Sam, the big and bad Navy SEAL, just annoyed the shit out of me to get me to cuddle her. As you can see, Sam isn't what she plays herself to be.

When Sam took a deep breath, I heard a hitch.

"Are you okay?" I sat up and looked at her with a worried look. "Your lungs or heart just hitched."

"I'm still recovering from the bruised lung is all. I never really give it time to heal. One second I'm filming, the next I'm running around with Teag, then I'm hanging out with my brothers. The only time I legitimately relax is when I'm with you now, but they limit me to once a week." Sam glared at the door as if it would make a difference.

"I'm almost strong enough for discharge, but until then I'm here. I'm not complaining either. I won't let myself get as bad as I was before." I leaned my head back on her chest carefully as if I was hurting her. She claims to have a high pain tolerance, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel it; it just means she can deal with it.

"I know, and I'm proud of you for doing what you did instead of spiraling down. Not every relapse needs to gain control." Sam kissed the top of my head.

"I don't want to watch tv anymore. You've only got another hour with me, and I'd like to spend that without watching a tv." I whispered as I started to fall asleep. I fall asleep so damn easy when she is holding me, because feeling safe makes you relax.

"You can go to sleep Dems. I'll bring you to bed when I have to leave." Sam whispered.

"Or you can carry me to bed now so you don't have to worry about waking me. When you worry you get clumsy." I softly giggled as a memory flashed back.

"Babe, chill out. I woke up? What's the big deal?" I yawned as I sat up.

"Because you have to get up early tomorrow and I woke you up and if you don't get enough sleep you'll be exhausted and-" I had to cut Sam off of her cute rant.

"Babe, I can go back to sleep. Just breathe." I gave her a look.

"I'm sorry." Sam said, before walking over to me. Apparently she didn't see the hamper on the floor, because she tripped over it.

I lost my shit.

"God damnit." Sam groaned as she tried to get back up to her feet, but when she kicked the hamper, clothes went everywhere, so she slid on a sock and fell back down.

At this point tears were coming out of my eyes.

"I don't know why I try." Sam lightly chuckled.

"Good point." Sam laughed a little under her breath.

She made sure that I wouldn't hit my feet on any door frames or walls, but had no problem with jumping onto the bed with me in her arms.

Somehow this girl pulled the blankets back, so she could pull them over us after we laid down.


The blinds here are worthless, so as soon as it hits six this half of the building is awake.

I absolutely hate mornings. They are a pain in the ass.

I got a text from one of the CAST workers for me to just stay in for the morning since the therapist couldn't make it, but surprise bitch. I'm already up.

The next text I got made me smile though.

Sam: I'm assuming you're up now since it's a little after six and the sun is out. I made you breakfast before I left. It's on the stove and I left it on warm so it wouldn't get cold. I love you.

Me: Why do you have to be so damn cute? I love you too.

I chuckled at my own response knowing that she is going to say she's not cute she is mean and scary. If I was a terrorist overseas I'd believe that without a doubt, but since I'm her girlfriend who she treats like I'm some kind of royalty I know she's cute and adorable.

"Holy shit, she made a fucking buffet." I smiled when I saw the amount of food on the counter.

Each one was labeled, and there was a note beside them all.

"I made you enough for each morning till I come back. I'll make you some more again the next time I see you.

I love you,

Can she not be cute for like two seconds? Is it possible for her? The real question though, is does she do it on purpose or is it natural, because if it's natural it's so cute that I will literally die. She is so fucking genuine and sometimes I just want to be mad at her, but she never gives me a good enough reason.

Damn her. Let me be mad at you for once.

Sam: I. Am. Not. Cute.

Me: Bull shit.

With that I locked my phone and put it on the island. It buzzed a few more times, one being Sam and the others being from friends and family.

But then Sam texted me again saying that she is terrifying. I didn't respond to it because she's stubborn and will go on and on about the littlest of things, but that's just a part of the girl I love.

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