No More

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POV: Sam

"Sam, what have you eaten today?" Demi asked me from the kitchen as I sat on the couch with my eyes glued on the tv. It was Marvel's Civil War, so food was the least of my worries. Stark was being a stuck up asshole.

"Shhh!" I shushed her and I heard her footsteps quickly approach the couch.

She snatched the remote and paused the movie.

"Hey!" I whined and I threw a piece of popcorn at her.

"Don't you shush me. What have you eaten today other than two pieces of popcorn?" Her hands rested on her hips and the mom look was engaged.

"Nothing, now please turn the movie back on." I begged with a pouty face.

She rolled her eyes before taking the batteries out of the remote, putting them in her pocket, and then giving me the remote. "You can have the batteries back after you eat and clean up the cut. No more avoiding it."

I watched as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at a barstool. After the incident where I raised hell, Demi made me sit still and get stitches since it was deep in her opinion. It wasn't deep, just bloody.

"Eat now Sam." Demi spoke in a warning tone and I groaned as I sat up from the couch.

"Fine." I let out a huff.

Demi sat next to me on the couch as she made me watch Forensic Files. I voted on American Sniper so she would know what it is actually like in combat. That movie is the most realistic and truer than any other war movie.

She said that she wouldn't watch it because she didn't want to know how bad it is so she wouldn't worry as much.

I know I'll have to go overseas again. Do I know when? No, I never do. They tell me a month before they need me and my guys to go.

"How are you feeling?" Demi asked me just above a whisper, but her eyes were still locked onto the screen as a detective discussed his tactics on how he found the killer and what not. I lost interest like, three episodes ago.

I shrugged and I could feel her shift on the couch. My gaze just locked onto the clock that was beside the front door.

"Sam, how are you feeling?" She asked again in a more stern voice.

"Fine," I gave her a fake smile and she gave me a blank expression to show that she wasn't even close to buying it. "I need a fix." I muttered. I know what she is going to say anyways, the whole 'no you don't' bullshit.

"I know, but you are better without it, and over time you won't even think about it anymore. I speak from experience Sam." Demi gave me a soft smile.

"Whatever you say," I muttered as I stood up.

She tried to grab my wrist to pull me back down, but I think she forgets that I'm a Navy SEAL at times, because I didn't even budge when she yanked my arm.

I twisted my wrist slightly and snapped it out of her grasp before walking to my bedroom.

Of course the door can't lock.


My fingers glided across the piano keyboard that Demi snuck into the apartment last night.

She has to leave tomorrow no matter what she says. She has a tour to finish.

"Why don't you sing while you play?" Demi asked above the chords that I played on the piano.

"Because I can't." I muttered as I stopped.

"Yes you can." She shot back.

"No I can't." I snapped.

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