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POV: Sam

Demi keeps on trying to get me to play the piano like I did in the video that my mom showed her, but I refuse. I don't see the need to do it.

I used to do mashups, remixes, and all of that fun stuff, but there is not telling where my mdi keyboard controller is, or my launchpad. Those are a lost cause. The last I saw them was in the house my mom had before we moved on base. And plus, I only did them since it helped my mom financially. I'd make random mashups and sell them at school. It got to the point where they liked my work so much that I sold stacks of CDs everyday with my mashups on them.

"Hey Sam, wanna play the piano now?" Demi gave me a cheeky smile, but it didn't change my mind.

"As soon as I get out of here I will play, but until then I won't." I said in a stern tone hoping that that would be what it would take, but apparently not. If I use my commander voice it'll scare the shit out of her.

"Your mom also said you used to create remixes and mashups and then sell cd's with all of your recent ones on there at school. Apparently you were good too." I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"I had a keyboard controller as well as a launchpad that I hooked up to my laptop. I worked on getting good at it so I could help with the bills." I muttered the last part as the memories to why I started flooded back into my mind.

"I have a feeling that deals with your dad..." Demi whispered.

"Yeah, he and my brother got killed when I was fifteen." My voice could barely be heard. I can't stand thinking about that night.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Her hand carefully took mine and she laced our fingers together before rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. Just her touch sends me into a state of fucking gunfire throughout my body. The quick pulses of shocks, but good shocks, catches me off guard every damn time.

"I haven't talked about the night to anyone but the police and my mom." I may be a Navy SEAL, but on the inside I'm one of the weakest people you'll ever meet.

"Maybe now is a good time to let it all out." Demi brought our laced hands to her lips and kissed the back of my hand in a sweet manner.

"Can I just be vague?" I asked in a whisper. If I whisper maybe my thoughts won't hear me. I need to keep it from the voices of thoughts that love to dance around in my mind.

"Of course."

I took a deep breath before speaking. "When I was 15 my brother invited his friend, Justin, over to have a couple beers with him. My brother was only eighteen mind you; Justin wasn't much older than that. Anyways, later on that night Justin started to flirt with me and I got up and moved next to my dad who basically shielded me from him low key. Justin started to get more physical about it since he moved over beside me, and I gave my brother, Tyler, a look and he told Justin to back off. This pushed Justin over the edge and he told my brother off when my dad went to the bathroom. In two seconds my whole life changed. He pulled a pistol from his waistband and shot my brother right in front of me. My dad ran out to see what the noise was, and froze up when he saw my brother's lifeless body on the floor, but then Justin shot and killed him too. I was no where near as strong and as skilled in combat as I am now, so it was easy for him to take advantage of me, so he did... after he did though, my mom walked in the front door after going to the grocery store and saw Justin out of breath and my broken and battered body as blood dripped from between my legs. My mom dropped everything in her hands, ran to her bedroom, got a pistol and ran out and shot Justin three times. Once in the shoulder, once in the dick, and then the last one in the stomach. After all of the funerals and everything blew over with the law, my mom and I moved to LA where she told me that there is a reason for everything and told me that there is at least some good in everything every single day. I figured out that Teagan was the good and that without that incident Teagan wouldn't be in my life. I miss my brother and dad every day, but without them protecting me all the way to the last minute I wouldn't have my sunshine." Tears streamed down my face slowly as I tried to hide them. I don't cry.

"I'm so sorry Sam..." Demi whispered and pulled me to her chest. "Let it out baby. Let it out." She played with my hair, but I kept the tears in like I have for years.

"I don't cry." I whispered in her chest.

"You need to. Crying is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of being too strong for too long. It's okay to cry Sam, just let it out." Her fingers tangled in my hair as she rocked us back and forth slowly.

I finally gave in and cried for the first time in years. I was ugly crying and it was not okay. This is pathetic.

"I'm here baby. Just let it out." Demi cooed.

POV: Demi

It all makes sense now... she tenses up whenever she hears someone talk about a brother or a father.

I wish I could take her pain away. The real her is hiding, due to the fear of losing another person she loves. It's obvious to why she has trust issues. She doesn't want to get close to anyone.

I've gotten so attached to this girl that it's scary. Having her in my arms right now is the best feeling in the world. It's like getting off stage after doing a full show, especially when you nailed the performance.

"I need to go to sleep now." Sam whispered before getting up out of my grasp.

I watched as she slowly walked to her room with her feet shuffling across the floor. I'm debating on following her or not. I don't know if she is the kind of person who needs their space, or the kind of person who needs to be with someone the whole time.

My legs made their decision before my mind could, and I find myself walking back to her room.

The door was open and I saw her under the blankets with her body trembling.

"Sam?" I said in soft tone.

She stayed quiet.

"I'm going to hold you, okay?"

She still remained silent as she tried to hide her tears.

I slowly got into bed beside her underneath the blankets and carefully pulled her to my chest so her head was buried in my neck and her arms wrapped around me. My fingers laced with hers and I played with her hair with my free hand. "Just go to sleep Sam. I'm not going anywhere." I cooed to her and she nodded her head just enough to answer me before making her attempt to fall asleep.

I need her as much as she needs me right now.

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