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POV: Sam

"What am I gonna do guys?" I ran my hands through my hair for the fifth time this minute.

"Well, getting sober is step one." Kirt said as he sat next to me on the couch.

All of my guys came today since Demi left a few hours ago which hurt like hell. The guys are right. She is my other weakness.

"And then getting healed up and put on proper medication for your disorders." Yale chipped in.

"Teag told me, the badass Uncle Mikey, that she wants mommy to be happy like her, so then everyone can be double happy." Mike smiled at me and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Only my child would be like Teag.

"I'm working on it guys. It's just hard." I sighed.

"We know, and we're not saying it's easy. We're saying that if you want good to come, you need to be ready for it." Kirt said with a knowing smile. He really and truly is the softie.

"Okay softie." Rick teased.

"You call me soft, I call myself wise." Kirt scoffed.

"You're both soft and wise." Jacob chuckled.

"Guys, focus." Yale intervened before the bickering started. "We're here for you Sam, and to prove that. All of us agreed to give up drinking for you. All of us." Yale gave me a genuine smile.

I looked around to each of my brothers to see a smile on each of their faces.

"Y'all are gonna make me cry." I chuckled as I wiped a stray tear that escaped. "Thank you guys. Really. Thank you for looking out for Teagan as well."

"I made her a heartbeat monitor, so if you wear this ring," Erik held up an all white ring, "on your index finger Teagan can always listen to your heartbeat so she knows you're okay." Erik smiled at me which made another tear fall down my cheek as I slid the ring on.

I turned looked at the bottom of it that is on my palm side to see a faint blinking red light. "Thank you Erik." I smiled at him and he nodded.

"If you ever need another monitor for someone else let me know." Erik said with a smirk.

I laughed as well as everyone else did, but the smile that was in my face didn't falter when the laughing fit was over. My brothers are my heroes. They are my strength and my weakness. As well as Teagan; I push myself to be the best I can be which makes me a better mom and a better soldier, but if anyone were to pick on her... lord have mercy on their soul... because they'd have seven Navy SEALs kicking their ass.

"I don't know what I'd do without you guys." My smile didn't fade. Not even a little.

"Well, we wouldn't know what to do either. What would we do without a bossy little sister?" Jacob teased.

"Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I can't kick your ass." I pointed at Jacob with my water bottle.

"Please don't. You're scary and you hurt." Jacob nervously chuckled.

"We wouldn't be here without a good leader Sam. I wouldn't choose anyone else to lead me in combat, or in life in general." Mike smiled at me and all of the guys nodded in agreement.

"Seriously, is it all of you guy's goal to make me cry today?" I joked as I wiped another tear from my face.

"No, just to let you know how much you mean to us and how much we care. We're never moving more than thirty minutes from each other. We're family. I mean, we literally live on the same road." Yale pointed out.

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