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POV: Demi

I shouldn't have kissed her. I let my heart take control and that fucked everything up. It hurt like a bitch to tell her to wait till she is healthy and that I wouldn't believe her, but it's true. She isn't herself right now. Her mind isn't straight, well neither is she according to Yale.

It's been about two weeks since I kissed her, and here I am in Brazil for my tour. I want to be there with her, but I have other obligations. Don't ask when I started to consider her as an obligation, because I don't know when.

When I told my best friend, Kelsey, about her she told me to be careful, because one she pretty much kills people for a living and isn't very stable, and two I don't know the real her good enough yet. Which both are true, but I know she'd never physically hurt me. I mean, she literally threw a chair at a guy who came into her apartment and smart mouthed me. I can assure you that it was the last time he even said a word to me. He looked like he was gonna shit himself.

"Demi, you left your phone on the bus and you have five missed calls from Sam's mom." Max said before he tossed my phone to me as I got settled into my hotel room.

"Thanks," I gave him a smile before walking into the bathroom and calling her back. She immediately picked up.

"Demi?" Sam's mom's voice cracked.

"What's wrong?" I asked cautiously.

"Sam cut herself pretty bad and she is currently getting a blood transfusion. I just wanted to let you know because I know you mean a lot to her, she talks about you all the time, and you're another daughter in my book." She chuckled lightly at the end as her crying continued.

"I'm going to be there tomorrow. It's my last show tonight in Brazil, so I will be heading back as soon as I walk of stage." I spoke as my mind was already made up.

"Demi, I can't ask you to do that. I just wanted to let you know because she isn't doing too hot." Her mom choked on her tears again.

"You don't have to ask. I'll see you tomorrow." With that I hung up.

"What promise did you just make now?" Max groaned from the other side of the door.

"One where you need to book plane tickets for as soon as the show ends for L.A." I softly giggled and he sighed as he was walking away. "You're the best Max!" I yelled to him and I could hear him slightly chuckle.

"No, I'm the best." Kelsey, my best friend who goes everywhere with me, said in a cocky tone as she walked into my room.

I rolled my eyes and let out a light laugh.

"You love this girl don't you?" A smirk grew on her face as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"No, I don't."

"But you're falling and she can't catch you right now, so you are going to fall right on your ass and hope that she will help you up once she gets better if you are not careful."

"She isn't like that. She wouldn't let me fall to the ground." I mumbled to myself. Mainly to keep myself believing that she will catch me.

"You do you, but if she hurts you in any way you can bet your bottom dollar that I will kick her ass." She pointed at me and I lost it. "What?" Kelsey asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You do know that she is in the Navy right?" I continued to laugh.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything. What is she? A nurse?" She rolled her eyes and I stopped laughing.

"Promise you won't tell anyone." I said firmly.

"What is it?" She looked slightly started in a way.

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