Yeah, Guys

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POV: Demi

The paparazzi has been attacking Sam for the past week. She posted a long rant on her twitter account that basically gave a rundown of her depression and how she has overcome it. She also added that if someone is in a pit of depression to get help instead of trying to get out of the pit yourself. That will just make you fall deeper.

"I have a meeting with my commanding officer in a few minutes so it'll be awhile till I can respond to you if you need me." Sam rushed out from the other line of the phone and I smiled. She calls me just to let me know why she can't respond in ten seconds like she always does somehow. For me it takes a solid hour if I'm not on my phone.

"Okay, behave." I teased.

"I always do." I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Nice joke." I laughed.

Sam chuckled and it made me smile. Damn her laugh. "I've actually got to go now. I'll call you when the meeting is over. Bye."

"Bye," I smiled at just the sound of her voice.

"What's got you all cheeky?" Kelsey smirked at me as she helped me pack my stuff up so we could get ready for the flight to Texas tomorrow.

"Sam," I smiled with a blush and Kelsey showed a genuine smile.

Sam has grown on Kelsey. Kelsey really just didn't want Sam to hurt me or anything and that's why she was pissy with her.

"And I may or may not have her help me sing a song or two." I smirked.

"Wait, she sings?" Kelsey stopped what she was doing and looked at me to see if I was being serious.

"Yeah, I recorded the time we were in the car with her daughter without her knowing. I'll play it real quick." I quickly got to the saved recordings and hit play.

After the recording finished Kelsey's jaw was to the floor. "Is there anything that girl doesn't do perfectly?"

"Yeah, guys." I smirked and Kelsey lost her shit.

"True," she continued to laugh.


POV: Sam

"Yes, so I have it finalized that we can't be called for duty for another year, but I have a feeling as soon as the year is up they are going to want us overseas for some damn reason. Probably information runs since the wars are simmering down." I ran my fingers through my hair, and sat down on a chair around the bonfire.

"Are we going to make this our last run guys?" Kirt asked in a soft tone. An almost saddened tone. It's how we met and got so close to the point where we can't go a day without talking to one another.

"Our families are growing fast, and the pay after this tour would be the same for retirement." Erik pointed out as he stared into the bonfire.

"I don't think we would miss the missions. I think we would miss us working together so well." Jason whispered.

We all nodded in agreement.

"We can do laser tag against strangers. I know it isn't the same, but if all of us are working together it will kind of be like the terrorists since they can barely fight." Rick pointed out.

"We have to promise to do that together at least once a month. We live on the same street, but we don't work together like the way we do overseas. Sam's quick order's amaze me too much for this last tour to be the last time I hear them. Jacob's bullseye trigger finger is too amazing for any of us to see it for the last time. I know I've already mentioned Sam, but I didn't mention her incredible stealth weapon accuracy. Rick's incredible hand to hand combat shit is mind blowing to see how bad he can fuck five people up at once without a weapon. Erik's brain is too incredible to explain. Kirt's ability to handle a K-9 like he does is like no other. And I get the honor of fighting alongside of you heroes. Every mission I know I'll be okay no matter what, because with Sam's quick calls that put us first, and all of y'all having my back at all times... that can keep us safe even after we die." Yale had a saddened smile on.

All of us were tearing up at Yale's words.

"Let's make our last tour the most successful we've had yet." Rick had a small smile on his face.

"It's just hard to believe that this will be the last time I lead you guys in a real situation." I bit my cheek to hold in my tears.

"You never know Sam. Shit goes down here too." Erik spoke with hope and it made me smile. "Maybe we'll be Demi's new personal security team. Like, a security SWAT team." Erik teased to lighten the mood which earned a light chuckle out of all of us.

"You know, people are usually so scared to go overseas, but I can honestly say that the only reason why I don't like going over is because I have to leave part of my family while the rest comes with me. I am so lucky to have the ability to say that." Erik, the one who never speaks when he is emotional, spoke as a single tear fell down his cheek.

"Well, who is down for a game of laser tag tomorrow night?" Yale smirked at all of us.

"I'm game, but it has to be sometime after 1:00pm, because Demi leaves for Texas at 12:30." I put my right hand in the air (it's what we do if we are doing roll call or shit like this).

Everyone else's hands rose up and we all smiled.

"Let's go ruin some teenagers' nights." Jacob smirked and the rest of us laughed.


POV: Demi

"I'll see you in two days with Teagan, your mom, and whoever else wants to come right?" I asked with hope. Sam already told me that she would come multiple times, but I can't be sure enough.

"Yes, I promise." Sam smiled at me and kissed my forehead before pulling me into a hug. The paparazzi were driving us insane, but Max and some airport security are sparing Sam and I some time.

"And then you can meet my parents!" I smiled brightly and a flash of anxiety ran through Sam's face.

"They're going to hate me. I kill people for a living, I am an intimidating woman, an actress with several people drooling over me, and I have a child." Sam rambled off, but before she could continue I pressed my lips against hers which made her quiet down nearly immediately.

"They are going to love you Samantha Ranklen. I have to go now though. I'll text you when I land and when I get settled into the hotel." I pulled her into a tight hug and she nuzzled her face in my neck.

"Okay, text or call me if you need me to come earlier and I will." She kissed me before kissing my forehead and letting me leave her grasp.

"I will." I smiled over my shoulder as I walked to the loading area where Kelsey was waiting for me.

"Did you two make out or something?" Kelsey teased.

"We talked for like two minutes. Chill." I giggled.

"More like eight, but whatever." Kelsey playfully pushed me a little and I laughed.

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