Touchy Topics

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POV: Sam

"We'll be there in five minutes. You can go ahead in." Demi spoke through my speaker phone.

"How many of us are there?" I asked as I pulled into the parking lot. It was rather empty, which isn't surprising since you need to sell a kidney to eat here.

"I already made the reservation Sam. Just go in. It's under Lovato." She sighed, knowing that I'm overly nervous.

"Okay," I mumbled as I put the truck in park and ran out to open the door for my mom and then helping Teagan out.

"Bye, I love you. I'll see you in a few minutes." Demi rushed out as soon as I put it on private.

"I love you too." I took a deep breath.

"Woman up. You're a Captain in Navy." My mom rolled her eyes.

"I'm meeting her parents mom. How am I supposed to be calm?" I took Teagan's hand in mine so she didn't run off like she likes to do in new places.

"If you bug out you're going to look like a royal idiot, so knock it off. You may be a Captain in the Navy, but I am your mother. So grow some ovaries and be polite." My mom smacked me upside the head.

"Thanks for the encouragement mom." I rubbed the back of my head, but soon realized I was out in public in full uniform, so I quickly turned formal and serious.

I held the door open for my mom and Teagan walked slightly ahead of me when we got inside.

"How may I help you three?" A younger guy asked as he started to pick up menus.

"We're here for the Lovato reservation. Demi is a few minutes away." I stood tall and the guy looked scared which made me internally smirk. I love having this effect on people.

"I apologize ma'am, but our policy here is that no one can be seated till the party reserver arrives and confirms the party occupants." The hostess looked like he was going to shit himself by telling me no.

I nodded before walking over to the seats, but I stayed standing while Teagan and my mom sat. It's a formality thing. I don't sit till I am where I need to be.

The door opened and my stomach turned.

"You must be Sam. I'm Demi's dad." A man similar to my height immediately walked up to me and shook my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. De La Garza." I shook his hand with a polite smile.

"Please, call me Eddie." He insisted.

There is no way I will remember that, so I simply nodded.

"The one and only Sam. I'm Demi's mom if you didn't already know." A shorter woman walked up to me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. De La Garza." Wow, go me. I literally just said that to her dad. I went to shake her hand, but she pulled me into a hug.

"If you ever hurt my daughter I will kill you." She pulled away with a smile. "Just call me Dianna dear. De La Garza can be a mouth full."

"Yes ma'am." I responded for both of her statements.

After all of the formalities and name learning we just went and sat down at the table that had assigned seats luckily. That way I don't have to awkwardly stand to the side while everyone else gets their seat before I sat down.

Demi sat me next to her, and Teagan next to me, and then my mom next to Teagan.

I pulled out her chair for her which made her mom and dad smile at my actions. It should be normal for couples to do this for each other, but apparently most people don't understand the word 'respectful.'

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