Little Me

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POV: Demi

"Max has pneumonia somehow, so can you drive my family and I to the airport and then take me back to my hotel where my car is?" I asked Sam with my phone pressed against my ear.

"Yeah, but Teagan will have to come with me. I sent my mom to Alaska for about a week and a half, because one, she deserves a break from everything, and two, she's always wanted to go to Alaska." Sam spoke through her line of the phone. I could hear some muffled conversations in the background.

"That's completely fine. My mom hasn't stopped talking about how cute she is since we left the restaurant." I giggled softly.

"What time?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Their flight leaves at three." I looked over at the clock that read one. She is definitely going to kill me. 

"Babe, it takes me roughly twenty-five minutes to get to your hotel, and in a limo with your family in it it's a hour drive. Then they have to do everything at the airport." Sam rushed. She put it on speaker and I'm assuming started to  quickly get ready. "Teagan is already ready since we're going to the movies tonight and she's excited." Sam spit, I'm assuming, toothpaste out of her mouth.

"I love you." I had a cheesy smile on my face even if she can't see it.

"I love you too. You're lucky I know how to drive." Sam sighed.

"I know, I thought that having a Navy SEAL escort my family and I would be a better idea than having me drive." I just started aimlessly to walk around my hotel room for no reason. You know when you do random shit when you're on the phone? That's what I'm doing.

"You are a terrifying person when behind the wheel. I thought I was going to die." Sam spoke with a honest tone.

"Oh hush, just get ready please. I've gotta go tell my family now. Call me when you're close so I can give you the limo keys. The hotel people are handing the luggage thankfully. My mom and Dallas decided to pack half of their room." I rolled my eyes.

"Will do. I love you." Sam picked up a set of keys before saying something I couldn't pick out to Teagan.

"I love you too, bye." I pressed the red button, and then smiled when I saw the background on my phone. Sam, Teagan, Kelsey, her brothers, and I went to the beach one night. She randomly looked at me with a smirk before scooping me up and running around. Erik got a picture that ended up looking professional honestly. The flash was perfect. Not too bright, and not making white spots.


POV: Sam

I probably look like an absolute slob, because I just threw a slightly wrinkled U.S. Navy shirt on and a pair of adidas soccer pants.

As soon as I saw Demi's family come around the corner I opened the limo door for them. The hotel employees already loaded the luggage in the back. Teagan was already in the front seat in a backless booster seat. I put the brace that Erik made when his kid was younger up, so she is completely safe even if we get in a wreak.

"Thank you," Dianna returned with a smile before filling into the car with the rest of her family.

I closed the door, and then jogged to the driver's side door. It's already two since her family loves to take their time.

"Are we about to drive fast mommy?" Teagan looked over at me with a bright smile.

"Yeah, so hold on Teag." I chuckled and pulled out of the parking lot.

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