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*one hour earlier*

POV: Demi

"I am so sorry for asking Demi. I just didn't want the dad to be in the picture and her fall for him if that was the situation. I am so sorry. It wasn't my place." My dad apologized for the fifth time since we got into the stretch.

"It's okay dad. She's a strong girl." I gave him a reassuring smile before continuing to text Sam. She claims she is at a red light, but that must be a long ass red light.

"Something you two have in common." He smiled at me.

"That girl went through what I went through, and went through what was discussed. She is far stronger than I could ever imagine being." I leaned back in my seat.

"Don't let that girl go." Dallas, my older sister, gave me a small smile.

"I don't plan on it." I gave her a small smile back.

"Now I have to find a guy like Sam." Dallas sighed.

"Hate to break it to you, but there isn't a single person in this world that is like Sam." I giggled.


*present time*

I texted Sam that I was at her front door so it wouldn't wake Teagan up.

The door swung open, and Sam pulled me to her chest sooner than I could say hey.

I walked us back, so I could close and lock the door behind us.

"I love you." I felt a tear fall on my shoulder. Yes, the six foot Navy SEAL cries a lot.

"I love you too." Sam croaked out.

"Let's go to bed baby." I whispered in her shoulder. I wish I could reach her, but even when she bends down just enough to hug me, my short 5' 4" ass still can't reach her face.

Sam let go of me and walked to her bedroom. I made sure to stay hot on her heels so she doesn't try to isolate. Even if I did drive all the way over here, she will still isolate if she feels threatened.

I slid in between the door and the doorframe before Sam could close her door behind her before getting on the bed.

She stood right by the door, contemplating on going back out into the living room or not.

"Don't do it Sam. Come here." I whispered so I one, didn't startle her or make her feel threatened, and two, didn't piss off Baymax.

Her chest rose and fell before her feet carried her to the bed.

The big and bad six foot Navy SEAL buried her head in my neck and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I'm here baby. You're okay." I whispered before kissing her forehead.

"So many flashbacks." Sam croaked.

"I know baby. Just let it out. I'm here." I rubbed her back with one hand and the other traced shapes on her arm that was clutching onto me for dear life.

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