Win or Lose

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POV: Sam

I made my hand into a fist to tell Demi to stop and luckily she understood what it meant. I waited till the footsteps passed. Erik ran by us, so I peaked my head out just enough to get him.

"Damnit..." Erik whined.

Demi and I had to hold back our laughs.

I looked where Erik came from to see Yale and Mike in the upstairs of the building ahead of us. Mike had the sniper rifle.

"Jason, yellow building, third window to the left, second floor. Take him down for me." I whispered to Jacob through the walkie talkie.

"Ten four." He whispered back. Luckily, the sniper has a silencer on it, but to make it fair it has a muzzle flash. Basically it just shines a led light when you pull the trigger.

"Shit!" Mike yelled and I waited for him to get down and out of the building to go press the respond button before Demi and I breeched the building.

"Jason, yellow building, second floor, fourth window from the left. Take Yale down for me if you can before we breech." Demi was just looking at me with a smile. I play to win. And as the leader of a SEAL team, I am more than capable of winning.

"Ten four," Jason whispered back through his walkie talkie. In about two seconds this man responded. He is quick. "I hit his arm, so he is down in health by eighty percent now. He went behind the wall, so I don't know where he went. Do you want me to keep an eye on him?" He asked.

"Yes, but be weary of the others. Demi and I are about to press forward from the left of the yellow building on the ground. Cover us the best you can." I ordered. Luckily I brought ear pieces to plug into the walkie talkies so we don't give away each other's positions.

I motioned forward for Demi to follow and I stayed as low as possible. Gun shots were going off the the right of us on the other side of the arena, so we used that as a cover for our footsteps. It also should draw attention to that area.

"Do you have eyes on Yale?" I whispered right before we started to go up the exterior steps. They are wooden, so I made sure not to step on a bowed step or on the outsides of it. Step in between the middle and the outside of it.

"I saw him for two seconds, but I would've blown my cover if I opened fire. Rick is tearing up Mike and Erik repeatedly." Jason softly chuckled.

When we got to the top of the stairs I quickly panned the room to find it empty, but Yale couldn't be too far from here.

"Eyes on anyone blue team?" I whispered to my team and waited for a response. Their walkie talkies go out if they get hit which scared me for a second because no one responded till Jason did.

"Sorry, I had to keep still and quiet while Mike passed in front of me. I think he is going back into the building. There is a part of the exterior stairs where I can see just enough to hit them if they are creeping up." He stayed quiet again for a minute. "So I'll watch the stairs as well."

"Any eyes on Kirt anyone?" I said as I breathed out. I held my breath for a second to check if there were any faint noises.

"I've killed him once or twice, but I'm low on health so I have to find a health box to press." Rick answered.

"Ten four." I looked back at Demi to see her looking at me with a smile on her face.

"You're cute when you're focused like this. So eager to win a game of lazer tag." Demi whispered.

If the lights were on she could've seen the blush that crept onto my face. I pulled off the silence by kissing her cheek.

"Get out of there. Kirt, Yale, and Mike just went in the building." Jason warned us, but I just shrugged it off.

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