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POV: Sam

"Alright Ranklen, time for photoshoots." Ramos clapped excitedly when he saw me step in the building.

"I don't remember you telling me that photoshoots were in the contract." I raised a brow.

"They're not, but with your body you can make bank just for a picture." Ramos stated as he pushed me towards the dressing room.

"Woah woah woah, hold on bud. Demi would not be too happy about other people having pictures of me to look at." I tried to come up with an excuse.

"You act like she doesn't have hundreds of pictures taken at a photoshoot." He scoffed.

"I hate taking pictures Ramos. They paint over my scars and shit and it's sickening. I have self harm scars and gun shot scars. They are going to throw a fit if I don't let them cover them." I whined.

"Do you want them covered and not be questioned, or not covered and have questions shot at you left and right?" Ramos raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want to take pictures to begin with." I stated bluntly.

"Samantha, work with me baby. Pick between the two options I gave you." He put his hands on his hips.

"Do we have filming to do today?" I put my hands on my hips to mock him.

"Don't change the subject." He snapped.

"Don't snap at me." I growled lowly and I saw a flash of fear in his eyes before they went back to their normal state.

"Sorry, but I need you to stand in front of a camera for me kid. It won't be longer than an hour."

I rolled my eyes. Believe it or not that is actually a quick photoshoot.

"So please pick one." He sighed and fixed his hair.

"No touch ups. If they want to see me... they can see the real me." I muttered before walking into the dressing room where I will be put into something slutty more than likely.

I have been put in black distressed skinny jeans and a half of a shirt that probably costs more than a full shirt. A 'crop top', bitch no. It's a half a shirt you nasty teenagers. Spendin' forty dollars on a half a shirt.

"Sam, look up slightly." The photographer gave me another instruction and I was quick to follow it so I can get out of here as quick as possible.


"Babe, you know they didn't edit the pictures they took of you before they posted them on everything and anything." Demi asked hesitantly. "I mean, I think you're hotter without makeup or anything, but are you ready to face this?" Demi searched my eyes for answers and I shrugged.

"If they want to see me, they can see me. Not some edited picture that covers everything. If they wanted to cover my scars they should've put a whole shirt on me." I answered like it was no big deal, but in reality I was nervous as fuck.

"Teagan, hit your mommy upside the head for lying to me." Demi looked up at Teagan who was currently on top of my shoulders as we walked around LA.

Teagan gasped. "Did you lie mommy?" Teag asked in an angry tone and it made me smile.

"Only a little." I answered honestly which earned a slap upside the head. It didn't hurt since I have an extremely high pain tolerance and she's five.

"Thank you Teagan." Demi gave Teagan an appreciative nod.

I glared at Demi, but a smile gave away the fact that I wasn't mad.

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