Full of Surprises

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POV: Sam

"I have to get up since Teagan is going to wake up here soon if she isn't already up and looking for a tv and a juice box." My raspy morning voice shook my vocal cords.

"But you're warm." Demi whined.

"I don't want to get up, but I have to." I kissed her forehead before slipping out from underneath her.

I quietly walked through the conjoined door to see Teagan in the couch watching tv.

"No juice boxes." Teagan angrily muttered.

"I know kiddo. I'll get some today, but we do have milk."

She scoffed. "I hate milk."

"I know, but it's either milk or tap water. You choose. I'll make you your favorite breakfast if you get rid of the awful attitude." I gave her my mom look and her attitude immediately faded.

"Milk is fine." She smiled.

"That's what I thought." I hummed as I walked into the kitchen.

"Come watch Nemo with me!" Teagan chirped, but I put my finger on my lips to tell her to be quiet.

"I will after I make breakfast and you eat."

She whined, but turned back around to the screen.

"I can watch it with you though." Demi smiled at Teagan as she walked through the door. Demi winked at me before sitting beside a very excited Teagan.

I mouthed a 'thank you' before she turned around.

"Alright couch potatoes, breakfast is ready." I washed the remaining flour off of my arms before taking the rag off of my shoulder to dry my hands.

"Pancakes?" Teagan asked as she bolted into the kitchen.

"Yes, pancakes." I chuckled at her cute action.

"I've never had your pancakes." Demi smiled at me as she walked into the kitchen.

"Well, I made about twenty five since I'm used to cooking in bulk, due to my brothers and their family's crashing every now and then." I chuckled as I looked at the buffet I made. I cooked eggs in just about every way, I made hash browns (sliced and squares), and I cut up fruit.

Demi's eyes widened when she saw all of the food I made.

"I think we may need some help." I chuckled as I made Teagan her plate.

"You don't say." Demi's sarcastic humor started to kick in. "I can text Max and Kelsey to come eat. I'm sure they will be very appreciative." She giggled.

"Does Kelsey not hate me?" I raised a brow before handing Teagan her plate and giving her the syrup I heat up with butter and a pinch of salt.

"She appreciates you, but you haven't earned her trust yet." Demi shrugged as she slid her phone out of her sweat-pant pocket.

"How do I go about doing that?" I started to make myself a plate.

"Show her that you genuinely care about me." She shrugged and I glanced up to see Teagan halfway done with her first pancake.

"Slow down Teag. I don't want you to get sick." I warned Teagan.

She let out a quiet huff as she slowed down.

"I thought I was already making how much I care about you clear, but I'll do more."

Demi smiled at my response. "Why are you so determined to get her to like you?"

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