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"Take care son, call me when you need help ah."

My father; Daniel, said as he ruffled my wavy hair. I can't help but smile.

"Yeah! And Sweetie, Don't hesitate to call us if there's anyone who's bothering you, Love you."

My mother—Xhyra said, as she kiss my forehead and cheeks, I love her so much.

"Yeah, Bye bye mama, papa, see you soon!"

I smile, and hug them both—They hugged me as I wave them a goodbye, they also told me to be nice but I'm not sure about that.

I walk inside the campus with a feeling of inferiority, I never have friends way back when I was high school, Now, I'm a freshman, I'm scared of what awaits for me.

I walk inside the reception office as I see a man in his desk table—typing something on his computer.

"Uhm—excuse me."

I called out. He look up at me with a bored eyes.

"Uhm, Can I have my class schedule? I'm Xyriel Agustus."

I mumble, He raised his nonexistent eyebrow and said a silent "ok"

Once that he gave me my schedule and dorm no.—I was about to leave when a hand grab my wrist making me startled as I turn around.

Once I've turn around—It was the guy who gave me the list and my number. He stood up from his desk chair and lean at me:

"It's seem like you're lucky or unlucky huh, you are roommate with the Vendetta's Twins."

He whisper—making me creep out. I mean, Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I didn't even know them.

"What—What do you mean?"

I also whisper—He smirk for a while before it turn into a deep sigh.

"The Vendetta twins, Winter and Autumn Vendetta. They are known as the only heir of the owner of this university—Mr.Chesire Vendetta, I didn't want to scare you or something but, Be careful. Those twin are sinister and they can be ferocious. No one stay with them because no one can last from their obscenity."

He explained—I nodded my head as he release my wrist—I quickly turn around and run out of the reception office, feeling creeped out.

"Be Careful!"

That's the last thing I heard before I completely rush toward the dorm building and sadly—my dorm no. is "696"

I hope that I survived this whole semester. Being in Highschool is bad—But what about a university that focus much on club activities and other extra-curricular activities that actually won't help much on my career. I really hope that I survived.

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