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I silently moved out of the basement where I stayed for over 4 months as I remove the plate where my name is.

‘‘Aww, You're leaving dale university now. huh? Such pity. We will miss you.’’

Andrea laughed as she said that word. I silently roll my eyes as I Ignore her.

As I stalk toward my old room,I see that my name was now in there same with the twins..

Opening the doors,I silently get inside and I only saw one bed.

Where's mine then?

As I was pulled into someone embrace,I look up to see autumn smiling softly at me.

‘‘Hello sweetheart~’’

He purred as he hold me tight on his chest. He smirk as he kiss my cheeks and snake it's hand on my waist softly massaging me..

‘‘U-uh..where's my bed? O-oh,Never mind. I'm sleeping on the couch..’’

I muttered as release myself out of him. He only gave me a smile as I put my stuff on my old table.

‘‘Quite rude,Hmm..it's okay. I love you though.’’

He pouted afterwards after I finished fixing my stuff,I quickly grab some pillows and blankets in the bed before putting it on the couch..Autumn look at me intently..

‘‘Y-you..gonna sleep on the couch? Really?’’

He asked while walking toward infront of me before grabbing me in the waist and pushing me down in the bed.

‘‘Y-yes..so l-let me go..’’

I mumble as I look at the door waiting for someone to break in..

As I feel his lips on my neck. My breathe hitch as I tried to squirm..

‘‘Yo! Excuse me but Autumn,There's a problem in the music club!’’

Gerald break in as he open the door. He freeze when he saw us in such a position..

‘‘Ops. Sorry!’’

He chuckle before closing the door. I push autumn away from me as I blush.

‘‘L-let's go..’’

I mumble as I stand up and after that. I quickly fix my clothes and walk out to come in the music club where everyone is in chaos.

‘‘W-who did this!?’’

Jeremy voiced can be heared as he screech. I gulp as I look beside me which is autumn who's looking at me in confusion.

#36: Impatience.

A/N: How are y'all? This story is running to the end. I need to finish this before june 4 so yeah! Enjoy!

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