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(I'm breakin free *Fly away from all of my stress*


As gabriel muttered,I instantly regretted that I stared for that guy,oh no..

As he walked infront of me,he suddenly grasp my wrist making me whine...

''H-hey! S-stop that...!''

Gabriel tried to exclaimed as he try to pry his hand off..

The guy glared at him as he pushed him to his seat..

''Fuck off!''

He snarled as his goons laugh,I tried to remove his hand' but he tighten up his grip...

''L-let me go!''

I screamed as I push him with force,As he let go of me' I stared at him with fear as he glare harshly before pushing me back hitting my side in the chair beside me...


As I groaned,I helplessly stand up as I glare at him...

''What the !? Are you tryin to fight me huh?''

He smirk as I embarassedly but at the same time,Angrily point my middle finger on him...


I glared. Hard enough for his eyes to widened. He does not.

As he gritted his teeth,he closed his fist as he hit it with force to my face,I close my eyes as I wait for it...

But nothing happened...

''As I like not to give a fuck,I won't let you hurt him like that. Elias...''

I narrowed my eyes as I stare at my feet,I know that voice...it was..winter...

''Come on xyriel,Let's go..''

Autumn spoke. Colder than the ice in north pole. I nodded my head as I follow him silently,I look up to see winter who's looking calm but the rage can be seen by his eyes,Elias only nodded his head as both of their goons left away...

As I look beside me,the twins are walking with authority,Everyone scurried away as they busy themselves in their own problem as they tried their best to ignore us not when a girl walk infront of us...

''Hey Autumn..Hey winter~ are you two busy tonight?''

The girl in green dress asked as she twril her blonde locks...

''No. Fuck off Henretta..''

Winter growled as he hold me by my waist as we walk past through the girl...

''Why?! Becuase of that guy?! I'm better than that—''

Before she can finish,A sharp pen hit behind her as her eyes widened....

''Tsk,Noisy brat...''

Autumn spoke with a smile on his face but irritation can be seen,I only gulp.

Why do I have to be encounter on this chaotic situation


#7- Chaos.

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