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I’m furious,even though xyriel hurt us— we can’t just do something that make our love cry..

‘‘Bro,Should we come back now? What if xyriel is there..?’’

Winter asked,I nodded my head. We should really get back now— I wanna know if my sweetheart is okay,I can’t stand seeing him cry..

‘‘Mom,Papa— We’re going back now.’’

I spoke to my mom,he smile softly nodding his head..

‘‘Yes,Take care’ okay? Also,bring your love here sooner enough? Okay?’’

Mom said as I smile kissing his forehead,he giggle softly as Papa nodded his head..

‘‘Take care sons,See y’all soon..’’

Papa said as he smile,I nod my head as I grab my bag same with winter..

As we walk out of our house,I think of something..

Will he ever forgive us for forcing him?


As we reach dale,Everyone looked at us and gasped. Some were gossiping,or some were just simply give no fuck.

As we reach our dorm-room,My eyebrows raised so much that it reach my hairline..

‘‘Andrea Ramsey? Who the fuck is that hoe?’’

I asked angrily as Winter only have frown in his face as he open the door,My eyes widened as I see a girl sitting on my bed..

‘‘Oh! Winter! Autumn!’’

She gasp as she stand up,quickly removing the robe she wearing— revealing her in tight blue corset and panty with stockings..she smile..

‘‘D-did you like it? I-I did it for you..’’

She smile seductively as she sway her hips softly..

Now,I feel so mad. Where the fuck is our love? Who is she?

‘‘Who the hell are you?’’

I snarled as I feel winter being tense around me— He’s scary— No scratch that. He’s fucking dangerous..

‘‘Get out.’’

Winter muttered. Lowly but dangerously—Andrea as her name gulp and try to brought her dress,but winter stop it.

‘‘No,Don’t you fucking dare. Get out of this room or I will drag you out of here.’’

Winter said calmly as andrea sobbed as she walk out near the door— She look at us.

‘‘You don’t dare doing this to me! I’m the daugther of—’’

She snarled as She stomp her heels,I smile softly but it was creepy..

‘‘Well? I don’t fucking care. WE own this school,I don’t care if your some queen or what—Leave us alone.’’

I said with a hint of seriousness in my voice. She huff as she leave the room only with her thonga— curse her. Where the hell is xyriel?

As I got out of the room. Everyone was looking at her— laughing and such like taking pictures..

‘‘Xyriel Agustus! You will be such worse than living in a basement!’’

Andrea screamed as I snap my attention to her. Basement? What the fuck did my sweetheart doing there?..

As I see the one of my member walking through the hallway,he look like he was singing or something— I walk toward to him as I tap his shoulder..

‘‘I want something just like this— Ay! Sir autumn,You’re back!’’

He gasped as I look at him confusedly,He was holding a paperbag and the inside was smell like food..

‘‘Gerald,Right? Can I know where Xyriel Agustus— room?’’

I asked as he raised his brow,He was confused or more like furious..

‘‘W-wait,I’m Joenald— not gerald,He was my twin brother. But,Aren’t you the one who remove him there? It was all over the campus. Damn— I pity xyriel tho,His room was rusty and mostly have small space and his bed is very uncomfortable from the first look,I was willing to tell the admin here about him being in the basement but fuck! They put a plate where his room was 174 and the only one there is him! ’’

Joenald exclaim as he stomp his foot,my anger rises to the point where I can kill anyone who touch him—how dare they do that? Just because he simply hurt us? This is fuck up.

‘‘Fuck— Where are you going anyway?’’

I asked as he smile lifting his paperbag..

‘‘I’m gonna bring him a food,We— the music club members always brought him food since he was also banned in the cafeteria! Shit,that andrea hoe is fuck up!’’

He cursed as he leave us alone— Shit,Shit,Shit…!

‘‘Fuck bro,That andrea— I’m gonna torture her.’’

Winter mumble as I look angrily at everyone who look at us making them shook their head and left us alone..

Shit,Love,I’m coming for you.

#28- Back.

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