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"We want you, Xyriel."

Winter and I said together—and that was settled. Xyriel will be ours. By hook or By Crook.

Everything is already planned from the beginning, From the day that he moved here—to his schedule and roomates—One thing we didn't expect that we are almost drugged by a bitch in his first day move here.

"Wha—What? What do you mean? I don't know what you are talking about, You two are crazy!"

Xyriel said with wide eyes—He was a little feisty. Nice.

"We're not insane, We're just infatuated to you. Alright?"

Winter told him—making him flustered. That's enough information for Xyriel to know.

"Huh—I don't know what the two of you saying, Leave me alone!"

He yelled as he push the two of us—as we step back, letting him run away.

You can't escape us, Xyriel.


After I ran out of the room—I rushed inside the bathroom immediately.

I check myself—brown curly hair with a little strand of white everywhere, freckled face, black eyes and pale skin—nothing was special at me to be honest, so those twins must be fooling me.

I washed my face to calm myself—After that I will go to the cafeteria, and eat already.

As I reach the cafeteria—everyone was taking a glance at me, whispering to each other and such, I sense nothing was right after I bought water and sandwich.

When I tried to find a table to seat in, Gabriel suddenly appear out of nowhere...


I mumble as he pulled me to a empty table as we sit on it, putting my food down the table.

''Are you crazy? It's scary to stand there in the middle, those jocks might see you and take you as
their pick."

Gabriel mumble as the door suddenly open with a force—revealing a group of men who walk inside; I immediately see someone who's in the middle, Tall with a slick back hair and dark grey eyes.

He suddenly notice I was looking at him so he stare at me with a angry look.

"Hey! You! What'ya staring at? Dummy!"

He snarled. Making everyone attention on us, I flinch at his loud voice.

"Holy mother of ducks, Xyriel.."

Gabriel muttered as sweat drip down my forehead.

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