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"Okay, so is everyone here now?" Jin looks around the room looking at everybody one by one counting in his head. "What the actual fuck?" He mumbles out when he realized that Jimin was now the only one missing from the living room.

"Where'd Jimin go?" He turns to look at Taehyung who shrugs, then over to Jungkook who points upstairs.

Jin rolls his eyes irritatingly while Namjoon, Hoseok, Jinyoung, and Yoongi still sit quietly as they weren't properly introduced to Jin's friends yet. Awkward glances were given and received to one another, the silence between the friends creating a rather unsettling mood,

"Can someone go get him then?" Jin asks Jungkook and Taehyung who gave each other a look before they both got up without saying a word.

"Jimin, you hoe, get out!"

Taehyung knocks on the door as Jimin refuses to step out of the room. "What's gotten into you, Jimin?" He questions as he keeps repeatedly knocking on the door until he eventually gave up on it.

When he stopped, Jungkook grabbed his wrist they could both hear faint mumbling from the other side. He was clearly saying something, but his voice was too soft. Suddenly worried, Jungkook took a coin out of his back pocket and aligned it to the lock to click the lock to the room open.

Taehyung looks over to Jungkook giving him a cold glare, frustrated at him, "Why didn't you do that in the first place?"

Jungkook shrugs coldly and pokes his tongue against his cheek quickly, before responding to him, "You didn't ask."

The older boy rolls his eyes and twists the door knob. "Jimin? Buddy, are you good?"

Taehyung says it in a singsongy tone as he opens the door slowly not knowing what he'll find when it opens it completely.

"Jimin?" Jungkook calls out lowly, not trying to cause anymore disturbance than they already had.

"Jimin! Are you okay?"

Literally a second later Jimin turns to face Taehyung and Jungkook with salty tears streaming down his eyes. The way he sniffled
made the two boys stiffen in their spots. "No, I'm not okay. Everything sucks."

Taehyung was the first to step into the guest room and sit on the bed next to the teary eyed boy, he cooed and brought Jimin into a hug. "Jiminie, what's wrong?" He asked calmly as the blonde rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I... I-..." Jimin whimpered out and Taehyung continued to soothe the older boy by rubbing his back, "I... I look terrible."

When Jungkook heard it, he laughed so fucking loud, literally clutching his stomach as he fell on the floor.

"Hoe, r-really?" The youngest boy continued to laugh and Jimin stopped crying to watch Jungkook having a crack at it. "Yes, really!" He snapped and Jungkook stopped laughing for a second only to have him start laughing again.

Both Taehyung and Jimin watched with a horrified look on their faces.

"Anywhore, you look fine to me." Taehyung reassured the frowning boy, "Don't understand why you're crying about it."

Jimin sulked on the bed, his arms folded across his chest like a child as he watched Taehyung stand and run a hand through his perfect hair.

Of course Taehyung wouldn't understand why he was crying. The slightly younger boy was perfect in so many different aspects. He was everything Jimin wanted to be, good looking, tall, confident, for god's sake, he had it all. He was always left wondering,

'Why can't I be more like him?'

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