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"Hey! What took you guys so long? You're the one who invited us here and-" Jin pauses as he sees a boy emerge from behind Jimin and Yoongi, "The fuck is he doing here?" he points briefly in their direction before Namjoon steps in front of his boyfriend.

He'd seen this face once on Jin before, and it wasn't pretty. Jin is pretty, but the actions that followed weren't as gorgeous as he, just to clarify.

"Oh my god! No no no no." Namjoon fumbles with trying to hold Jin back as the older boy rolled his sleeves and started walking towards Woosung with an angry scowl etched onto his face.

Namjoon didn't know exactly what was going on, but from what he could gather, he knew he wasn't supposed like the 'new' guy either.

Woosung's breath hitched as he stumbled backwards and tried to stay away from Jin, "Jimin, I think this was a bad idea..." He says and he hears a scoff, but it wasn't Seokjin.

"You think? Why're you even here, Woosung?" Taehyung asks him not really wanting to know, but he steps in front of Jungkook, protecting him in some way.

Jimin proudly holds Woosung's hand and smiles at him then proceeds to turn to his friends, "Don't worry, I invited him. What good is it to keep holding a grudge? Let bygones be bygones." With that said, he leads Woosung by the hand and into his home, the action leaving his friends bewildered and Yoongi, well...

What was he feeling?

"Care to tell us what the actual fuck is happening right now?"

Seokjin had grabbed Yoongi by the ear and dragged him into Jimin's empty bedroom along with Taehyung and Jungkook trailing behind him like baby ducks. They were currently standing around him with folded arms, awaiting an answer on why Jimin was suddenly best friends with Woosung.

Yoongi licked his bottom lip instinctively then followed it with a small cough. Honestly, he didn't really know either. They had just been at the store when Woosung desperately started going off about his own life story, making him listen to an excuse of a sob story.

He didn't buy the story, not one bit. He figured that Jimin thought the same, but if that were the case, Woosung wouldn't be here right now making himself at home as if nothing ever happened between the two of them.

After his 'confession', he asked if he and Jimin could just go on and be on speaking terms for once. Yoongi internally screamed what the fuck no, but Jimin said yes. Aloud.

He saw the look on Woosung's face go from nervous to excited within a span of .01 seconds, while Yoongi found it rather annoying, Jimin found it amusing. A smile formed on his face too, and that's when he knew that there was no going back now.

Yoongi knew better, but still, this was Jimin's choice and he didn't want to interfere with that. Especially when his boyfriend looked so happy.

He mistakenly took that as where the conversation should have ended, but that's when Jimin took Woosung by the hands and sincerely asked him to join him and his friends for a little get together.

Even Yoongi knew Woosung was reluctant, so he thought he could give him a look that said don't fucking do it, it was clear that Woosung had gotten the hint from Yoongi and he was so close to declining the offer, but Jimin's cheesy smile had destroyed that chance. Ultimately making Woosung accept the offer instead.

That's when it started. Yoongi's strange feelings, it felt like anger, but not quite.

"I wish I could tell you, but quite frankly. I have no fucking clue." Yoongi says back blandly.

That's when Seokjin senses something and decided to test Yoongi, "Hm," he starts and looks over towards Woosung and Jimin who looked like they were having the best time, "They're really cute together, huh?"

Taehyung's eyes widen and he lightly smacks Jin's shoulder, "Hyung?! What's gotten into you? You were just hating on Woosung like a second ago?" Jin ignores him and keeps watching Yoongi, just as he had suspected, Yoongi makes a clicking sound and tries not to look.

"My my, it looks like Yoongi is jealous."

Oh, so it was jealousy he was feeling. It made sense he supposed, his expectation was for the conversation to end here, but he's been having a rough time calculating when exactly that is because now Jimin's friends are all poking at him asking him why he's so jealous all while laughing at Yoongi's expression.

"For fucks sake, stop. He's my boyfriend."

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