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"Yoongi, Jimin finish the balloons. Namjoon, help me set up the string lights. Tae, get the cake ready." Jin orders everyone around they gruffly obliged and followed his orders.

Both Yoongi and Jimin are in the living room, the younger boy on the floor and the other laying down completely on the sofa as they blow air into the balloons. Jimin was on his eleventh balloon while Yoongi was still struggling with his second one.

It wasn't really his fault considering he doesn't even know how to tie them, but he was too focused on something else anyways.

Jimin was moving onto his fifteenth balloon when he was startled by Yoongi's sudden fit of coughing and accidentally released the untied balloon from his grasp.

The balloon flies around in circles until the flat balloon lands square on the younger boys head. "Yoongi!" He yells in frustration.

Yoongi only laughs at the boy and reaches out to pinch his puffed out cheek which results in his hand being slapped away. Jimin continued to pout, his hands crossed against his chest defensively as he stared daggers into his eyes.

"Where are your balloons, Hyung?" The boy asks and when Yoongi holds his two balloons up Jimin's eyes widen, "Hyung! They're like the size of my hands! What are you doing?" Jimin snatched the two balloons from Yoongi's hand and surprisingly, they actually were the same size as his hands.

Thinking it was funny, Yoongi let out a quick amused laugh.

"What? Why're you laughing?" Jimin asks as he's getting ready to redo the balloon that fell onto his head.

"They really are the size of your hand."

"Seokie!" Jungkook laughs as they embrace one another.

The two had just finished spending some time together at an amusement park because Jungkook wanted to take him out for his birthday. After Hoseok treated him to a day out at the aquarium, the younger boy wanted to do something in return.

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