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"It's nothing, I swear. I'm just so so sorry about what I put you through." Jimin mumbles as he takes a sip of cold water, avoiding the gaze from Yoongi who stares at him intensely, who doesn't really mean to do that in the first place.

Yoongi brings his own glass to his lips, eyes kept on the boy in front of him, "Uh..." Jimin awkwardly lets out, placing his water carefully back down onto the table, "C-can I make it up to you somehow though? I feel like I owe you." Yoongi thinks about Jimin's words for a few moments and he nods his head, which makes Jimin feel a little less guilty in some ways.

Or not.

"Yeah." Yoongi nods, "Tell me about what you meant about the bully thing."

Jimin sighs sadly not really surprised by the fact that Yoongi asked him about it, but he was hoping he'd choose something easier to talk about or do than talk about this.

He hadn't had to talk or think about it since he was still in school. It's been years, but the experience had traumatized him and put his self confidence at an all time low.

Jimin was still suffering. Even after all this time, he struggles and he knows that the people who brought him this dilemma don't even blink an eye in thought of what they had done to him.

The boy tears up a little in thought of his past and when Yoongi sees the tears starting to form, he suddenly regrets asking the question. Maybe he should've asked him out on a date instead. That would probably have been better than this.

"Ne-never mind. Don't te-..."

"No it's fine." Jimin interrupts and quickly wipes his exposed tear away.

Yoongi felt his heart drop at that, watching the boy hide his feelings. It was obvious to anyone that he had been through quite a lot and it wasn't a great experience. Jimin sniffles and gives Yoongi a small smile, his eyes focused on the patterns of his coffee table, he wasn't ready to look into the older's eyes.

"I-I was bullied pretty much my whole life." Jimin starts and immediately it feels like a little weight had been lifted off his shoulders, so he keeps smiling to himself as he recalls his past.

"I was bullied for pretty much everything you can imagine." He chuckles sadly, "Try being chubby, a top student, and gay." Jimin laughs, but it wasn't a genuine laugh, it was a laugh to humor himself.

The older boy who sits across Jimin keeps his lips pursed together not knowing what to say in this situation. It's true, he doesn't know what it's like, he could only imagine the pain Jimin went through all those years of school.

It must've been torture.

Yoongi was Jimin's opposite, he was thin, an average student, and a closeted bisexual. He was just the quiet kid who sat in the back of the classroom, the one everyone knew and talked too, but really only talked to his own friends, which have been Hoseok and Namjoon even back then.

Jimin glides a finger against the condensation that forms against his glass cup and flicks the water off of his fingers afterwards, "They... I mean the bullies, didn't really even know me, but they picked on me anyways because I was the easiest. Be-because I have all these flaws."

The boy brings his hand up to his upper arm and rubs it in hopes of comforting himself, "I remember thinking how much I hated myself, only because of their actions. Before they started hurting me, I used to be so happy." He smiles in thought of a sweet little memory that crossed his mind suddenly.

"It's after they began when I started questioning if I was worth it. Like if I was worthy of being here. They constantly told me that the world would be better off without me. They said they didn't need people like me to live amongst them." Jimin sighs again, bringing his head down slightly.

He still hadn't looked up at Yoongi once since he started talking.

Yoongi's sitting completely still, scared that he might make Jimin stop if he started talking, so he let Jimin talk, "I know it isn't rational, but when I got that message. It brought me back to a hard time, where people constantly based me off how I looked and not who I am as a person. It hurt, a lot."

That's when Yoongi finally understood.

He takes one of Jimin's hands in his and he moves his thumb against the back soothingly, "Jimin, you aren't a bully. You were just protecting yourself." Yoongi tells him, but Jimin still won't look at him.

"There's a distinct difference between the two and you should know that what you did isn't wrong. I'm not upset at you for what you did, I just wanted an answer because I was confused as to why you did it." Jimin's eyes dart up to Yoongi's for a split second, but he brings it down when he sees the older's intense eyes.

Yoongi squeezes his hand a little and Jimin finally holds his hand back.

"Jimin," He says and the boy hums, but Yoongi wants for the boy to look at him in the eyes, so with his free hand, he hooks a finger under Jimin's chin and makes their eyes meet each other. When it does, Yoongi offers Jimin a smile.

"Let me tell you why I think you're perfect."

wow hi, it's been a while. i was going through a rough time so i didn't have time to upload 🤧

here's a longer chapter than usual though, i hope it was okay or something 🤧😩💞

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