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The gathering lasted about ten minutes after Yoongi and Jimin officially told their friends that they have started going out

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The gathering lasted about ten minutes after Yoongi and Jimin officially told their friends that they have started going out. Some were surprised, others not so much, some nervous, and others excited.

In all reality, all the mixed emotions in the room were kind of confusing, but all that mattered to Jimin was that Yoongi was there with him and will continue to be with him for who knows how long.

Three weeks had passed since they had done so and now they were free to do whatever they wanted.

"Jimin, have I told you how perfect you look lately?" He asked stroking and running his fingers through the youngers beautiful now dark brown hair. They were on the sofa watching 'Spirited Away' together since that was Jimin's favorite movie.

He layed sideways, his head resting on Yoongi's lap.

Jimin let out a small laugh before moving himself back up to sit on the sofa correctly. The boy moves his face down in order to cover the blush that immediately covered almost his whole face, only because of that one comment, "I think you tell me that everyday, Yoongi."

To that the older placed his hand on Jimin's plump cheek like he always does, he looked at him in awe, completely mesmerized by his beautiful eyes, cheeks, lips, literally everything was perfect about him. Even his imperfections were perfect. Yoongi just felt lucky to be able to call the perfection, that is Jimin, his.

The younger boy smiled nervously when noticing how long they sat there with Yoongi's hand still attached to his face. He so badly wanted his boyfriend to kiss him, but it wasn't happening, all that was going on was Yoongi's immense gaze.

The older sat there staring because, he still didn't know how he was even worthy enough to kiss such a perfect human, but he doesn't know Jimin feels exactly the same way. He also wondered just as much how he managed to get someone like Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi hyung..." he started, straightaway Yoongi removed his hand from Jimin's face, figuring that the younger boy was really uncomfortable by that action. To his surprise, the boy held his hand, fiddling with Yoongi's slim fingers as he continued, "You don't have to hesitate to kiss me, you know?"

Ever since the night Yoongi had asked Jimin to be his boyfriend, it's like something changed between them. They weren't as 'close' as he would say, meaning that the most physical contact they'd had since then was just about holding hands, and a maybe a quick peck on their cheeks every now and then.

Yoongi tried so hard to keep it together, for he just didn't want to come off too strong for his new boyfriend, but he also, just now learned that his boyfriend was craving him as much as he was for Jimin.

The younger boy closed his eyes as he felt the presence of his hyung leaning in towards him, he bit his lip down in anticipation. He could've sworn he felt his stomach doing backflips when he felt his boyfriends lips on his, for what seemed like forever, but that ended fast when Yoongi pulled away after about 3 seconds, almost instantly returning back to the movie, that didn't last long either.

"Yoongi, c-can we do that again?" He asked again, the cute shyness in his voice remains now with just a hint of desperation for Yoongi's contact, but seconds later it seemed as if the innocence was gone when he bit down on his bottom lip again.

Just the lip biting action alone was already making Yoongi go crazy, he wanted more too, so there was no way he was rejecting another chance to kiss his baby boy.

The olders hand makes its way to the back of Jimin's neck, bringing them close again just before their lips came together like before, this time lasting a lot longer than before. The movie playing on the screen, now long forgotten as they lose themselves in each other, every now and then they'd giggle into their kisses.

As they pulled apart to catch their breath, they smiled at each other, and finally said what needed to be said,

"I love you." "I love you."

only the first three paragraphs were edited, the stuff after was what i wrote when i was 15? skkssk also i'm not editing from here because i'm lazy? sorry if it's hella cringy. you've been warned.

tell me if you want a namjin chapter, lmfaoo

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