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"What color is your toothbrush?"

Jin reads happily as Namjoon who sits beside him, at this exact moment wanted to disappear so his friends wouldn't get mad at him later on. He knew how much Yoongi and Hoseok hated things like this, but Namjoon was giving them a look that said 'please participate' and so they will. Only to help Namjoon out.

Jimin rests his head on the palm of his hand, still visibly upset and Yoongi wants to comfort the sad boy, but he knows that'd be too weird, especially having just met. Jungkook groans softly as he lets his head fall back onto Taehyung's leg, surprisingly the older boy didn't push him off and just let him stay there in peace.

"I think it's blue." Jin says unenthusiastically, for he was expecting better questions than these, at this moment only two thoughts crossed his mind. 'These printables suck, I should've read them beforehand.' and 'I must look like a big fucking idiot right now.' He sighs a bit before looking around the room.

"Who's going next?" The oldest says trying to stay positive, though at this point he knew this was the worst idea he had in a while. "I'll go." Hoseok says suddenly, Jimin gulping at the sound of his voice hitting his ears. As Hoseok reaches over, he grabs the folded paper, and read the contents of it.

"What annoys you most?" Hoseok keeps his eyes on the paper, a little side smile making its way into his face, he knew what to say. "What annoys me most is when people don't know their boundaries."

Jinyoung sadly looks down at his hands as Hoseok says that. He knew exactly what was happening and now he felt worse for doing what he had done.

Hoseok looks up from the paper, the vibe of the room feels a tad darker, he glances at Jinyoung who pretty much cowers when they exchanged eye contact for a split second, but was brought back to a much lighter side when Namjoon tried his best to relate by laughing it off.

"Yea, I know what you mean." He says keeping his smile present on his face, but in reality has no idea what Hoseok meant, he just didn't want an awkward atmosphere after that, Jin grabs Namjoon's hand, thanking him for coming to the rescue, both of them not knowing that they didn't want this game to continue.

"Jimin, why don't you go next?" Hoseok chirps as he sits back down next to Yoongi. Jimin wants to refuse but that thought was gone out the door the second Jin decided to speak up, "That sounds great Hoseok. Here Jimin, take one." He says as he pushes the jar closer to the boy, Yoongi watching intently as Hoseok faces the other way to avoid contact with his boyfriend who tries to quietly apologize.

As Jimin grabs one of the folded paper, he opens it fast to get it over with, but almost teared up when reading the question he was presented with,

"What do you love most
about y-yourself?"

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