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"Oh my gosh

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"Oh my gosh." Jimin giggled uncontrollably as Yoongi blushed and looked away, "You're so cute Yoongi-ssi! You brought gummy worms? Oh my gosh and green tea ice cream? They're my favorite!"

He was all excited until suddenly he fell quiet. Out of suspicion, Yoongi looks back over to Jimin to see him eyeing all the drinks and snacks in front of him, "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" He asks and he shakes it off pushing the things Yoongi brought off to the side where he couldn't see it.

"Uh yeah." He scratches his head lightly, "I'm on a diet right now. I need to lose weight and it wouldn't be appropriate to eat these."

After a second of tense silence, Jimin laughs to move on from... whatever this was and starts to play the movie.

Yoongi takes a hold of the remote and pauses the movie that has yet to even reach the opening scene, "Why?" He asks bluntly, "You look perfect. Why do you need to lose weight?"

Jimin huffs a little in irritation. Sure, he didn't need to lose weight, but he wanted to lose it. Every time he'd reach his weight goal he never seemed to be able to be completely satisfied with himself, he kept feeling the need to lose more and more until he was finally happy with himself.

"I just want to look good."

Yoongi groans a little as he moves himself to sit up straight against the sofa to look at Jimin, "Look, I'm certain I've said this before, but you're amazing. Not only mentally, but physically too. Just to prove that, look at all this that I brought."

He points to the items on the table while his eyes are still fixed on Jimin's side profile, "I was so nervous to be with you so I ended up buying all this and if that isn't enough, look at my hands. They're literally sweating, gross, but it's because you make me so nervous, I can't help but think that you're too good for me and-"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at himself, "Fuck, sorry. I sound so fucking stupid. Don't I?" But much to his surprise Jimin disagrees by shaking his head in response. Out of embarrassment , Yoongi takes the unopened bag of gummies and rips it open to plop one into his mouth.

He has more than half of the gummy worm hanging out of his mouth as he tries to multi task and Jimin huffs out the smallest laugh at that moment.

"I guess one wouldn't hurt me." He voiced out of the blue and Yoongi looks up to question him, but found that the younger boy was already in front of him.

"Hmnh-?" Was all Yoongi was able to get out before Jimin inches closer and closer to his face to take a bite out the gummy worm that still hung out of his mouth.

Jimin's lips were so close to his own, they were practically touching. The younger boy was chewing and the more he did, the more he could feel the boy's plump lips brush against his own.

Just when Yoongi thought they were going to kiss, Jimin finishes off the bite leaving the older boy with nothing more than about half an inch worth of gummy worm in his mouth.

"It was kind of worth it." Jimin chuckles and turns the movie back on so they could finally watch it. However, Yoongi was left stunned at his actions.

"Jimin, I-..."


"But Jimin-..."


Bold would not be a word to describe Yoongi, at all. Well, at least to him. He prefers to be alone where nobody had to see him and where he wouldn't stand out. He wasn't exactly known for wanting to be spotted amongst a huge crowd so his next action could be considered to be quite unlike himself.

He harshly yanked Jimin's top and when they were face to face, Yoongi's eyes flickered down to Jimin's for an instant and before he knew it, he had enveloped Jimin's perfect lips into a warm embrace with his own.


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