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SNAPCHAT jinnie♥️ is typing

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jinnie♥️ is typing...

from jinnie♥️!


i think your friend
likes my little jimin.

what makes you say that?

& which one?


he asked me for jimin's
address, just a second ago.

that could mean anything, baby

wanna bet?


if i'm right...

you owe me anything
i want for a whole week.

same here.

may the right person win.

it'll be me. watch 👀

i love you♥️

don't try and be sweet now.

i'm on bet mode.

opened -
2 seconds ago

"Hoseok?" Jungkook's running over to the lonely red head, but the second he hears his name called, a pretty smile is featured on his face. The vaguely familiar boy was running toward him with his arms stuffed with copious amounts of stuffed animal and various colors. The boy looked like a walking toy store, but he found that adorable.

"I-I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Jungkook. From like two nights ago?" That's when Hoseok's gears start turning in his head, that's why the boy looked so familiar. Hoseok might've paid more attention to him, but he was worried about how his ex-boyfriend had ruined his best friends chances of love.

It was messy.

Hoseok offers the otherwise adorable younger boy a smile and nods, "Yeah! Of course I remember you! Is that your boyfriend over there?" He points over to Taehyung who was currently on the phone and Jungkook shakes his head, "No. He'd never. He's straight."

The red head gives Taehyung a glance before looking back down at Jungkook, "So where's, uh, Jinyoung? Sorry, I'm not too great at names." He asks and though it wasn't something he was too happy about hearing, the smile still remained on his face.

"We actually broke up." He laughs and Jungkook wants to ask why, but he knows that'd be overstepping his boundaries, somehow Hoseok knew and decided to make his answer simple. "He did something he should've have, but it's not my story to tell. How's Jimin?"

Jungkook tilts his head to the side gently and his cute facial expression makes Hoseok want to give him all of his uwu's there was no way someone as adorable as Jungkook is possibly single. Would it be too weird to say that he wanted to give the boy all of his love within the few minutes they've been chatting?

"Jimin's fine. Just at his house I think." He tells Hoseok and he's wondering how everything's going with Yoongi right now. Whether everything would go alright and smoothly so he can finally date in the first time in like two years.

Both of them stand quietly for a second, Hoseok thinking about his friend and Jungkook admiring the older boy's extremely sharp jawline, fluffy hair, sparkling eyes, the dimples, literally everything. It was like he was entranced by the guy in front of him, he didn't know why he suddenly felt that way, but he wasn't complaining.

"Kook, let's go!"

Jungkook was pulled out of his little daydream in an instant as was Hoseok, they both give each other a little smile and wave goodbye, but Jungkook stopped suddenly and turned back around to see Hoseok's smile had disappeared.

It made his heart clench. Odd.

"Hey, Hoseok hyung? Do you maybe want to join us? We were about to go get some food. Maybe some funnel cake?" Jungkook licks his lips at the thought of the delicious dessert unintentionally and Hoseok eyes crinkle up when his smile reaches his cheeks.

"I'd love to."

some junghope/jungseok up in this bitch 🤪💞 i honestly ship hoseok with everyone, he's so affectionate. i even ship hoseok x hoseok where that book at?? 😩✊🏻

so apparently amy💫 , bless her heart, has been trying to 'screenshot' [hehehe] my notifications for this book and idk. i'm shook¿

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