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Jimin had taken up Yoongi's offer to carpool to Jin's house earlier for Hoseok's birthday party, so there was no way that he could go home alone at this hour

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Jimin had taken up Yoongi's offer to carpool to Jin's house earlier for Hoseok's birthday party, so there was no way that he could go home alone at this hour. Not only did he not have cash on him, but the buses have also stopped running at this time of night.

That left him with one other option, which he was dreading immensely.

The whole car ride was silent had it not been for Jimin. The boy just pouted and stared out the window for a while as Yoongi actually tried to have an actual human conversation with him, not a game of trying to figure out what was wrong with Jimin.

So Yoongi just eventually let him be, even though he clearly felt the awkward tension between them ever since he left the party. Which only begged the question, "Did he do something wrong?"

After asking himself the question, he felt his heart sink. His thoughts trailed back to earlier in the evening when he and Jimin had their... moment in the empty guest room and that's when Yoongi's car comes to a abrupt stop when he slams the break.

Jimin hissed in pain, bringing his hand up to his neck as he moved his gaze over to the drivers seat of the car, to which he was instantly met with Yoongi's guilty expression and eyes wide open.

"I'm so sorry." Yoongi and Jimin huffs and crosses his arms across his chest, "Sorry for what? The fact that you just slammed the breaks or for the fact that you... never mind."

"Okay, we're taking a detour." Yoongi announced and made a quick sharp u-turn on the empty road. "I think we both need this." Bewildered, Jimin didn't even argue as he sat back and let everything happen. All he was capable of doing was staring at Yoongi's side profile with an unsure feeling sitting in the pit of his stomach.

Why was he feeling this way?

i saw your comments on the last chapter ya nasties. it's not what you think. also, i'm trying to update this one more time later. 🤧✊🏻

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