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Just as he had expected, a gust of cold air flows past him as he took a step out of his warm house. His hand stayed on the doorknob contemplating wether or not he should wear a heavier jacket just in case Hoseok wanted to hang out a bit outdoors.

However, he decided against it when he sees Hoseok pull up to his driveway. Jungkook's heart stuttered a bit when realizing that this was actually happening,

He was going on an aquarium date with a flawless human being and to say he wasn't nervous would be a complete lie. He was so nervous he changed his outfit so many times that his room is now littered in clothes on the floor and all the surrounding furniture around there.

And yet, he still didn't feel good enough.

Hoseok stepped out of his car with a smile on his face and Jungkook gulps wondering if it was too late to run back inside and claim that he was sick. He turned around getting ready to re-enter his home, up until he felt a reassuring hand upon his shoulder.

"Hey, you look great!" Hoseok chuckles, "Are you ready to go?"

"I-uh." Jungkook turns around and blushes when he sees how close in distance they were, "Y-you look great too." But then he wants to cancel himself when he realized how he worded that.

"Not that I was agreeing with you when you said I look great because I look like absolute trash standing next to you, I just meant that you look great and not me. So yeah, um, you look great."

The red head smiles endearingly at that, he found it absolutely adorable that Jungkook was so nervous around him. "Don't worry, but it's true." He says and the younger boy tilts his head to the side, "You really do look great, Jungkook."

"T-thank you." He stutters.

This time Hoseok shares his laugh and reaches down to grab Jungkook's hand and lead him over to the car, "This'll be so fun! I haven't been to an aquarium in ages!" Hoseok voices and Jungkook steps into the car, "I haven't seen a dolphin in like 17 years. I love em' though"

Jungkook's eyes sparkle when he hears that, "I-I love dolphins too! T-they're so cute!"

"Sure, none are as cute as you though."

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