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SNAPCHAT jimin💫 is typing

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jimin💫 is typing...

from jimin💫!

hi baby!

it's jimin!

oh wait xhsiskdjc

you probably already knew that 😅👉🏻👈🏻

but i just wanted to tell you
that i won't be free today )^o^(

i'll be with woosung!

sent -
4 hours ago

Yoongi let out a huge yawn as he sat at his desk, work was extremely stressful, but he had to make money so he could spoil Jimin rotten.

That was the goal at least.

He works at an entertainment company as a producer, making music for idols and such. Yoongi could say that he never really had an interest in performing himself, but he's always had a passion for creating music.

It was a safe way to do what he loved without the hassle of being constantly bombarded by fans and paparazzi. He couldn't imagine living a life where everybody knew everything about him, in and out of work. He would never be able to take a break for himself.

However, he'd be lying if he said he was completely uninterested in becoming a celebrity, because he was in a debut lineup alongside Namjoon and Hoseok, but decided that it was better if they didn't. They didn't find that life to be something they wanted.

Yoongi finished listening to his track and typed in a title for it before looking down to glance at his phone, he had literally left it untouched for hours on end. It was like that sometimes, he was just too busy to even check his phone.

Then he saw the message notification from Jimin and smiled to himself thinking about his adorable boyfriend.

That was until he read the message, "Woosung?!" He yelled and stood up from his seat abruptly, slamming his hands down on his desk and making the papers fly up for a second and ascend down onto the floor.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he felt it forming. The jealousy... or the anger... or was it uncertainty?

Whatever it was, he hated it.

"Oh! You're so sweet!" Jimin cooed innocently as he took the sweet treat out of Woosung's hand.

Woosung merely laughed and watched Jimin smile to himself as the boy took a bite of his green tea ice cream.

He felt gutted though, all Woosung could think about was all the times he made hurt Jimin and made him cry.

It was also a nice feeling on the contrary, seeing that he was now the cause of Jimin's smile made him feel a whole lot better, especially with all that built up guilt he's had since high school.

"Ah! Sammy!" Jimin yelped suddenly and rushed over to the counter to grab some paper towels, Woosung didn't notice until Jimin started wiping at his hands that the ice cream had started melting.

He also didn't notice right away that Jimin had called him Sammy. A name that he was called by his closest friends.

Woosung finally reacted when he felt the cold treat running down his slender fingers. "Shoot!" He tossed the cone into the nearby trash can and wiped at his hands with the napkins Jimin had.

"Sorry," he sighed as he examined his hand one more time for any more of the dessert before sitting down at the seat of the playground.

Jimin joined him on the bench and stared at the passerby intently. "What were you thinking about? You seemed so out of it." He says suddenly and Woosung nods his head.

What does he say without making it awkward?

"Just uh, how pretty you look when you're happy." He says and Jimin unintentionally blushed a pretty red color, the hue reminding Woosung of nothing more than a simple rose.

It makes Woosung blush in return, the tone on his skin nearly identical to Jimin's, "I can only ever recall memories of you crying, so seeing you happy is a great image. I really needed that." He admits.

Jimin just faces Woosung, the boy's eyes crinkling so much that they had nearly disappeared, his crooked tooth showing as he gave a full-hearted grin.

"Sammy, you're great. I know you are, you don't need to do this because you feel bad. I already forgave you a while ago, I'm better now and so are you. So stop beating yourself up for something that happened in the past."

daddyoongs is typing...

from daddyoongs!


where are you?

sent -
1 hour ago

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