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Yoongi began to panic as he opened his Snapchat for the 15th time in the last hour. He had hoped that Jimin had at least seen the message he sent, but much to his dismay, the message remained unopened.

It's not that he was jealous or overprotective of Jimin, he was just worried about what was happening. Woosung just gave off a weird vibe and Yoongi didn't necessarily enjoy it. There were so many scenarios that were going through his mind and it bothered him to no end.

What if Woosung wasn't who he seemed to be?

Every time Woosung was near Jimin so far, Yoongi or one of the others were always around, but this time the boy was all on his own.

Maybe he was just overreacting.

jimin is typing...

from jimin✨!

yoongi can you help me



where are you??

i'm at my house, please hurry

opened -
2 seconds ago

Yoongi didn't need to read the message twice before he was already running out of his building and trying to run all the way to Jimin's house. It's when he passed the parking lot he remembered that he had taken his car to work.

So he made himself do a small u-turn and ran back to his car that sat in the middle of the summer heat. His leather seat burned to the touch, but nothing was more important than getting to Jimin right now, so with a small discomforting hiss as he sat down [and buckled his seatbelt, safety first], he started up his car.

So he ended up stuck in traffic.

What fan-fucking-tastic time to be stuck behind miles of miles of cars that lined up before his own! At this rate he didn't know if he'd make it Jimin's place at a reasonable time, especially being told to hurry.

Maybe he should've ran.

Who was he kidding? He was so physically unfit that he probably would've started walking around the corner where he first started.

His head dropped towards the steering wheel in defeat, but ended up jumping back upwards after he accidentally blared his horn. Even with his own problems, all he could hope for was one thing...

All he hoped for was that Jimin was okay.

wonder what 🤷🏻‍♀️

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