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oh? what's up?


i don't know anymore

what's wrong?

i want what jimin has with yoongi

they're perfect.

i just want something like that


if that's what you want i'll do it

that's the problem taetae

what is kookie?

you know i've liked you but


i like hoseok

opened -
2 hours ago

Jungkook sighed as he checks his phone for the millionth time, he knew that if Taehyung was replying to him, he'd at least get the notification, but there was nothing.

No reassurance or anything.

He felt completely terrible for doing that, but he just needed to tell Taehyung.

Over the past month or so, Hoseok had made him feel like a prince. He was never pampered growing up, let alone complimented by anyone that wasn't in his immediate family, so the fact that Hoseok did all of that made him feel important and needless to say a lot more confident in himself.

The foreign feeling was making his heart swell.

Hoseok was just...perfect. He's never hurt Jungkook's heart once and that was important because he didn't know how many more times his heart could break before it completely gave out.

His heart beat fastened however when he heard the familiar snapchat notification sound and he literally sprung onto his bed to grab his phone. Expecting for it to be Taehyung, he was surprised to see who it was from.

hobi😩💞 is typing...

from hobi😩💞!

hey, koo!

i hope you're having a great day today

hyung actually

are you free today?

"I love you." Yoongi told Jimin happily and placed kisses all over which made the boy giggle. Then out of no where, when he was done, placed a set of mouse ears onto Jimin's head. "Perfect." He cooed and pinched both of the boy's cheeks at the same time.

"My Minie mouse...get it? Minnie Mouse, Minie mouse?" Yoongi pointed at the headband then at Jimin, the younger boy just bursted out laughing as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

Yoongi looked down for a second, giving Jimin the opportunity to grab a pair of Mickey ears from the booth and hide them from his boyfriends sight, behind his back. He looks back up at Jimin who offers him a coy smile.

That's when Jimin reaches over and gently placed a kiss onto Yoongi's lips and manages to slip the ears onto the older boy's head.

"Jimin! I agreed to coming here if I didn't have to put on these ridiculous things."

"Please Yoongi! Be the Mickey to my Minnie!" He pouted, but Yoongi knew better and stood his ground. "No." He said rather bluntly and took off the ears.

There was absolutely no way he was actually going to-... "Fine. I'll just find someone else then." Jimin said and took two steps before Yoongi pulled him back.

When Jimin turned around, he saw that Yoongi had on the headband again, "You're mine. Only mine. Don't go running off to someone else, okay?Otherwise, you'll hurt my heart if you do."

Jimin's eyes became larger and he gently took the ears off of Yoongi, "You don't have to wear them, I'm sorry." He whispered sincerely and tried to place them back onto the display, but Yoongi just took them out of his hand and placed it back onto his head.

"It's just one day, I'll stop being such a baby about it." Yoongi smiled and grabbed Jimin's small chubby hand. He laid a few bills on the counter and walked off with his boyfriend hand in hand, both sporting mouse headbands.

just in case ya'll needed a visual hahaha & wow, i'm finally updating like a month later and it's only a filler, fantastic 🤧

a/n+just in case ya'll needed a visual hahaha & wow, i'm finally updating like a month later and it's only a filler, fantastic 🤧

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