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"So Jimin, what do you love most about yourself?" The red haired boy faces Jimin and gives him a smile, Jimin feels just a little uncomfortable by his presence, though he didn't know exactly why that was.

Something about Hoseok made Jimin feel bad about himself and he felt bad for thinking about the otherwise cheery boy that way, especially since they had just met and talked for the first time less than half an hour ago.

Jimin gets ready to say something to get this done quickly, but was left hurt when he heard an almost inaudible laughter from someone near him, but mistakenly assumed it was Yoongi. He sewed his mouth shut and let himself sink into the comfort of his own arms. Yoongi was confused nonetheless at Jimin's change in action, as was Jungkook.

Taehyung however heard the laugh and judging by the look on Yoongi's face Taehyung had wrongly assumed that the laugh emitted from him.

"Do you fucking have something to say?" Taehyung's almost growling as he speaks, slowly facing Yoongi. The boy with the black hair was not the least bit frightened at the boy's words, but very confused. Yoongi looked dead into the eyes of the pissed off boy which might've been a mistake on his part "Huh, what're you talking about?"

Taehyung gets up from his seat, slowly pushing Jungkook's head off his leg and takes a couple steps toward Yoongi's direction, "If you have something to say, you can say it to my face." The boy yells at Yoongi, who still was very unsure in what he did to spark this kind of reaction from the boy he had only just met.

Jin sat there shook, not knowing what to do as Namjoon just watched them, he really did not know what was going on. Hoseok was just watching in amusement, but decided that he didn't want Yoongi to get hurt so he spoke up, "Come on now, let's calm down." But Taehyung was not satisfied with this, there was no reason to be so nasty to someone they just met.

Jungkook sat there feeling a bit turned on by Taehyung's sudden bad boy vibe, what can I say? He's a bad boy and so he likes bad boys. As Taehyung got closer, Yoongi looked at him getting ready to question Taehyung about what the hell was going on until. . .

"I love my eyes!"

Jimin suddenly says aloud and he goes back to hiding his face in his hands. He just wanted this night to be over so he'd never have to see Namjoon's friends ever again.

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