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"Hold the phone

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"Hold the phone. Ya'll are dating?" Jin asks, but his tone didn't sound surprised at all. If anything, it sounded like he was either expecting it or really happy. Yoongi wasn't all too sure on why, but then that's when he realized.

"Oh... the bet. Poor Namjoon, don't be too rough on him."

Jin smirks knowingly, "Maybe it should be the other way round. Let's hope he's not too rough on me." When everyone eventually gets his innuendo, they all groan in disgust collectively besides Jin who's cackling.

"Okay, okay. Enough. Now tell me why Woosung is here would ya?" Jin asks, now a little less mad than he was when he first questioned it.

Yoongi sighs as he looks through the doorway at Jimin and Woosung playing Jenga together excitedly, along with Hoseok and Namjoon who also seemed to be having a great time.

Then he looked back at Jin with a stern face, "You heard him, they want to be on good terms with each other." Yoongi replies fast and his gaze moves back over from Jin to Jimin, watching as the boy and Woosung high fived each other then proceeded to hug victoriously after Hoseok knocked over the wooden tower.

Jin nodded and watched Yoongi as he stared at his new boyfriend.

Yoongi poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and licked his lip, making Jin smile to himself when he realized that not only was Yoongi jealous, he was extremely jealous.

Which was weird to even Yoongi, he knew that they were here as friends, but the way Woosung still had his arm around Jimin's waist and how his new boyfriend didn't even think twice about it made him feel... well mad?

Or just felt as though he was burning with jealousy. Whatever it was, he hated himself for feeling it, he should be more understanding of the situation... shouldn't he?

"You should make sure Woosung knows that he's taken." Jin says and Yoongi's eyes widen, he tries to deny it, but the older boy knows better than that, "That's a shame, your relationship is already over and it just started." he tsks and Yoongi knows what Jin is trying to do, but he falls for it anyways.

Only because Woosung is moving in closer to Jimin and the boy has still yet to notice his actions.

Yoongi walks out of the room swiftly, like a leaf falling out of a tree, then he lands on the ground discretely right next to Jimin.

It was enough to make the small boy yelp when he felt Yoongi's hand along the side of his face, now cupping one of his cheeks. When Jimin looked in his direction, he could see the look in his boyfriends eyes and could sense the admiration from him and it made him flustered.

"Y-Yoon-" He tried to speak, only to be cut off by a pair of warm lips. It caught him off guard, yeah, but he liked it so it wasn't like he was going to push Yoongi away from him.

Instead, he kissed him back while Namjoon watched with a scarred look on his face, his eyes flickering over to Jin who stood there at the doorway proudly, arms folded, and to top it all off, he had a knowing smile.

Namjoon was fucked.

"We're going to have a lot of fun, Joon."

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