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Jungkook saddens as he approaches his driveway, even driving the way back was fun with Hoseok. No matter what they did, he still laughed and had a great time regardless.

The only thing that throws him off is the fact that his best friend, Taehyung was sitting in front of his porch with his face in his hands.

The headlights of Hoseok's car hit Taehyung lightly and in that instant, he looks up from his hands, uncovering his eyes to see who had disturbed his peace.

Hoseok looks at Taehyung through his windshield and squints his eyes, "Jungkook? Isn't that your friend?" He asks and the boy also squints his eyes due to the bright lighting of the headlights, but none the less, he nods.

Regardless of the time they just spent together, Hoseok was still a little jealous of the fact that the younger boy looked fully attentive on Taehyung instead of him. "Bye Hoseok hyung." Jungkook says in no particular tone as he opens the car door.

Not even a step out of the car, he shivered when his leg was first to be exposed to the cold winter air. He smiled quickly at Hoseok and rushed out to greet his friend. As he watches Jungkook and Taehyung from inside his car, he pouts a little seeing how he wraps his arms protectively around Jungkook.

Almost if he were giving Hoseok a warning.

Hoseok wasn't the type to get involved with these types of things, so he surrendered by starting to pull out of the drive way.

At least that was the case until Jungkook ran over to his car, Hoseok rolls down his window and tilts his head questioningly as he discreetly admires Jungkook's soft smile that also make his eyes smile on the process.

On the other hand, Jungkook bites his bottom lip nervously upon instinct and Hoseok can't help but stare at the action. "What's the matter Kookie? Did ya forget something?" He asks and the boy nods his head.

"Yeah, I did." He responds back. Before Hoseok has the time to respond, he feels a pair of soft lips caress his cheek softly, making a blush appear and his face heat up immediately when realizing he was just kissed by the adorable younger boy. "Now I'm okay." He says and shyly runs back to Taehyung.

Hoseok slowly and astonishingly moves a hand up towards the area on his cheek where he was just kissed and smiled softly before driving away.

daddyoongs is typing...

from daddyoongs!

so, about our date.

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