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SNAPCHAT jeonglebook is typing

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jeonglebook is typing...

from jeonglebook!



i need your help

what happened???

taehyung happened

he just told me he's okay with being friends



aren't you happy?

i thought i'd be

but idk

he's hurt me so many
times yet i still want him

i know it isn't fair to hoseok,
but i really like him too.

i don't know what to tell you ???


you're the best advice giver...

next to jin hyung


go ask jin then ffs

noooo he'll try and set me up
with whoever he likes better...

i just want help

follow your heart not your mind

i mean...

did it actually help?

i'm at the store and i just read a
card labeled inspirational quotes

of course you did🤠

i'll see you later

opened -
2 seconds ago

Jimin walked down another isle with a full basket in his hands and a full smile. He was so excited to finally tell his friends that after 20 years of life, he had finally gotten a kiss and a boyfriend all in a span of 2 weeks.

So you can't blame him for being extremely giddy as he shopped around the small supermarket near his home. Nothing could make him feel otherwise, maybe beside a small encounter with Woosung, oh and would you look at that. There he is.

The boy squeaked awkwardly and turned on his heels to come back the way he came, but not only did Woonsung call for him, he tripped over himself too. Luckily, he didn't fall, the same didn't go for the basket that was in his hand. The contents of the carrier had fallen out.

The ravenette squatted down to pick it up before Woosung had the chance to come over, but this was life, of course Woosung'd catch up with him eventually. "Jimin, hey. Lemme help." He said and joined Jimin on the ground to help him pick up a few bags of snacks and candies.

Jimin wanted to refuse him on the spot, but it was too late because Woosung was already placing his things back in the basket for him.

So they just silently do that while his former bully stole glances of him from time to time, gnawing on the inside of his cheek wondering if he should or shouldn't say something.

He wasn't usually the one to stay quiet and do nothing, but he couldn't say anything because when he thought about it, all he can remember was Jimin's traumatized face and tear stained cheeks.

By the time he had finished thinking about it, there was nothing left to be picked up. That's when he wished he had said something to Jimin, Since he didn't necessarily have the chance when dropping off the pizza at his house.

All Jimin does is clear his throat and mumble out a thank you and a bye before jetting away, leaving Woosung speechless and confused over what had just happened. Still his head was blank, but his feet said otherwise as they started moving toward the boy.

"Wait, Jimin!" He yells.

Said boy looks back briefly to see Woosung catching up to him and he freezes for a second, only because his thoughts travel back to when he was still in school, in the same position. It just goes to show how much had changed between the time he was in and out of school. It was safe to say that there was barely any to show for.

He closed his eyes and told himself repeatedly, trying to convince himself that nothing bad would happen and that it was all in his head. He believed that Woosung had genuinely changed for the better, yet he still couldn't help but fear him.

That's when Jimin feels a protective hand upon his shoulder, to which he opens his eyes to find Yoongi standing right beside him with nothing less than a mad expression overtaking his usually laid back features.

"Yoongi?" Jimin questions warily, "Why're you here?"

Jimin looks at him and Yoongi looks at him while giving him a smile, "Thought I'd pick up some stuff before heading over to your place." He responds back and looks back over at Woosung who just stood in front of them, having been interrupted from finally being able to voice his most sincere apology.

With a raise of a brow, the protective boyfriend stares down Woosung who doesn't realize what's happening until Yoongi coughs lightly, bringing the boy back to reality.

"I think we're done here."

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