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"Tell me what's wrong, hm?" Taehyung sighs as he stretches his arm forward to let Jimin grab hold onto his hand, they held hands a lot, platonically. Of course it was platonic since Taehyung was seen as just a close friend, that and he was definitely straight.

Jimin merely took his friends' hand and shook his head as he kept his eyes focused on the ground before him. He didn't want to talk about what had happened, at least not now. He didn't want to be a bother to his friends, he also didn't want Jin to be mad for keeping him waiting longer than expected.

So as he painted on a fake smile, he smoothed out his clothes and clung back onto Taehyung as Jungkook watched silently from the back as he trailed behind them back down into the living room where everybody else was waiting for them to come back so they could finally start the night.

Jin has the seat next to Namjoon of course and Jinyoung, Hoseok, and Yoongi have the whole sofa to themselves leaving the other three to sit on the floor.

Jimin sighs as he pops himself on the floor, sitting criss cross as he waits for Jin to explain what they'd be doing for the night.

Yoongi gets off of his seat and offers it to Taehyung who doesn't think twice before taking up the offer. He sat down next to Jimin with a smile on his face, "Hey, Patrick." When the boy frowns, Yoongi bites his bottom lip and keeps quiet.

Jungkook moved over to sit in front of Taehyung, moving himself to be right in between the older's legs comfortably. At that moment, Taehyung didn't feel the need to push him away, so he just let it happen.

"Hey, Jimin," Yoongi says and said boy turns his head to face the older boy, "Your hair looks nice." He compliments.

"Oh okay."

"Okay guys! Let's start!" Jin suddenly says and places a glass jar on the center of the table, Taehyung's already frowning and Jimin's just wishing for this night to be over as fast as possible so he could go back home and be alone to cry.

But tonight would be a long night.


this isn't part of the story (anymore), but this is why you see a whole bunch of angry comments. i'm cringing at this. oh my god.


You son of a bitch, listen up.
I'm not here to play games.
I saw your picture and honestly...
You aren't even good looking not to mention that you could lose a couple pounds.
Just trying to be helpful if you ever want to be loved by anyone.

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