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"No, I really don't think we are

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"No, I really don't think we are." Woosung retorts as Yoongi tried to walk away with his arms around Jimin's shoulders.

Woosung's sudden words were enough to make Yoongi stop and turn his neck over to the side so he see the boy out of his peripheral vision. He sucked in a sharp breath and slowly repeated what he had said, "I don't think we are."

It makes Yoongi want to pester him and make him get lost, but Jimin kindly stops him from doing anything he'd regret.

"Woosung, enough." The raven haired boy sighs, "I don't want to hear it. I-I accept your apology, okay?" He asks and yet, it wasn't okay. He didn't want Jimin to just accept his apology and not be on good terms, he needed to clear the air between them once and for all.

With one swift movement, Woosung's directly in front of Jimin and he looks into the boy's eyes sincerely. Yoongi's already standing right there beside his new boyfriend in the same vicinity just in case something was bound to go wrong, but it never did.

At least not yet.

"It was me, back then. Do you remember?" He questions suddenly and Jimin rolls his eyes at him. Of course he remembers him, how could he possibly forget the boy who made him lose all his self confidence in a span of a few months.

However, that's not what Woosung was referring to and Jimin didn't realize until the other cleared up exactly what he was talking about, "The notes in your locker." He says and Jimin's eyes widen.

For a second, Jimin was lost for words and unable to think about anything. His mind seemed to go blank as he stuttered out the best sentence he could form at the moment, "B-but those notes were so kind and y-you were..."

"An asshole?" Woosung finishes for him and Jimin nods at him, completely wonderstruck at his confession. "I was, but it didn't mean that I wasn't sorry for what I did to you. Even back then." He admits.

The letters.

They were the only thing that kept Jimin from giving up completely while he was still in school. The only thing that kept him sane enough to push through his reality. He had assumed that the letters came from one of his three friends and didn't put too much thought about where it came from.

All he knew was that it was the reason he was still here.

The handwritten letter would usually have a little message telling him to cheer up and keep smiling, keep fighting, that there are people out there that love him and are bound to love him.

It was Woosung?

It was a hard pill to swallow, that being the truth. It was the same person who made him want to find a way to disappear forever who told him to stay and fight. Why?

"You know, I wasn't born a bad person." Woosung scratches the back of his head lightly, "I was in a tough place back then and Yongguk..." Jimin flinches back at the name a little and bumps into Yoongi's chest, to which he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Jimin's waist.

Woosung notices and tries to stray from using Yongguk's name again, "He told me if I joined his group that he'd get me into university. God knows that I wouldn't have been able to go since my family was struggling. I was desperate, my scholarship fell through and-"

He looked at Jimin to see that he was nibbling on his bottom lip, an instinct the boy had when he was deep in thought or trying to process things. "I was willing to do anything at first and the thing is, with every thing I took from you, he was going to triple it, but I didn't know that at the time."

Yongguk had kept that secret from him, "The second I found out, I dropped out of his group. I couldn't go through with it. I stole back the money from Yongguk to give it back to you, but he found out and beat me up himself."

"I'm sorry."

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