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"Kiss me."

"W-what?! No!"

"I knew it," Hoseok took a step back victoriously as Taehyung watched in absolute horror, "You don't like guys." He said and poked at Taehyung's chest.

"Just because I don't want to kiss you, doesn't mean that I don't like guys!" Taehyung rebutted and took a swig of his whiskey, "I-I just really don't want to kiss you!" He poked Hoseok back with his open hand.

That makes Hoseok scoff, full of confidence as he pushed away Taehyung's hand from his body, "Uh, hello? Everyone wants to kiss me!" He says aloud not noticing the amount of attention they were getting from the people in the same room.

The story of how they ended up at the same bar was unbelievable in some ways, but what they were doing in the bar was way more unbelievable than that.

They just stood there for another second while staring at each other. Taehyung eyed at Hoseok's features carefully, looking everywhere from his starry eyes, pretty nose, and trailing down to his lips, but unintentionally biting at his own.

"W-why're you looking at me like that?!" Hoseok gasps and hugs himself as if he was completely naked, hiding himself from Taehyung's "hungry" gaze, but was hypocritical as he himself was staring, but not at the boy's face.

In return, Taehyung hides his hands behind his back, "Why're you staring at my hands like that?!" He asks and the heat starts flushing to Hoseok's cheeks causing them to turn a vibrant pink, almost red. "I was curious..." he answered bluntly.

"Well, I-I was too..."

They both looked to the side awkwardly and took another sip of their drinks. The atmosphere the two have created was nothing short of unsettling, but none of them did anything about it anyways and just stood there in the awkward silence as the song, mostly just sound played in the background.



"Wanna kiss me now?" Hoseok asked again lightheartedly, it was honestly his best attempt at trying to be funny and lightening up the mood. It backfired however because Hoseok let out a strangled cough when Taehyung shrugged and muttered out an okay, instead of the no he was expecting.

The older boy giggled awkwardly, taking a step back to tell Taehyung that he was only just kidding. Before Hoseok knew it, Taehyung had grabbed him by the collar with both hands and brought their lips together for a kiss.

Hoseok kissed back in the heat of the moment, his hands moving up the side of Taehyung's body and bringing him in closer.

It makes the younger boy gasp, opening his mouth a little to which Hoseok took the opportunity to deepen it by slotting his tongue through Taehyung's glossy red lips.

When Hoseok felt a drop of water fall against his supple cheek after a minute, he stopped.

"Y-you were right," Taehyung cried softly as he spoke these words, letting go of Hoseok's collar to bring his hands up to his face to hide himself. "I-I didn't like it." Hoseok offered him a small side smile before placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder reassuringly.

"N-not that you were a b-bad kisser, you-you were better than some girls I've- uh." He hiccuped and wiped a stray tear with the sleeve of his jean jacket, "Why am I like this?" Taehyung whined, his voice deeper and he sobs loudly. His head falls onto Hoseok's shoulder.

Hoseok patted at Taehyung's back hesitantly, not knowing what else to do in this odd scenario. The younger boy continued to cry while Hoseok looked around the bar, eyeing back the people who eyed at them, almost as if he were telling them to mind their own fucking business.

It worked though, and Taehyung just continued crying as Hoseok continued to try and comfort him. "I-I don't hate you, Hoseok. I-I just don't want to lose Jungkook to you~ He's- He's the only person who's been there for me at my lowest, I-I can't lose him!"

"I'll tell you what..."

taehyung 🌟 is typing...

from taehyung 🌟 !

taehyung 🌟
if you're truly happy with hoseok then go for it
i won't be the one to stand in the way of your happiness again
be happy jungkookie
i'll support you both

sent -
2 seconds ago

yESSSSSS HOPEKOOK PREVAILS! also a little vope because 👀 [it was for me, it really was] hope you enjoyed it though AHA

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